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Re: Camping noob needs suggestions / guidance

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:23 pm
by astronut74
small hand saw or axe for gathering firewood.... and if you have room, bring some firewood too, sometimes its scarce as everyone else likes a fire too...

for a 4 year old, you might make or buy something to put bugs in.... grass hoppers, fireflies, butterflies - when my son was that age, we made one using, window screen material and some plastic coolade containers, poked holes threw containers and used a needle and thread to attach one end of screeen and left the other loose so that he could remove it to put bugs, leaves, grass.. into it... kept him occupied...
That's some good ideas for my son, thanks!
Now, about the firewood issue... My sister told me that there are alot of campgrounds around Florida that will not allow you to have a camp fire, for fear of starting wildfires. Can someone comment on that? Sounds like this is something I'd have to call ahead on, I'd hate to go camping and not be allowed to have a campfire. Kinda takes all the fun out of it....

Re: Camping noob needs suggestions / guidance

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:55 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
We have the no campfire rule up here in northern NY depending on weather conditions. If we have a real dry spell, the county will issue a no open burn ban and if the campground is in the area no fires allowed.

Definitely call ahead to the campground to find out.

As for cutting firewood at the campsite, you can as long as it's already down. Any campground we have ever been to will not allow cutting standing trees even if they are already dead.

Re: Camping noob needs suggestions / guidance

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:02 am
by dunedog
LiftedAWDAstro wrote: As for cutting firewood at the campsite, you can as long as it's already down. .

Not always true!
I use to think that, until I was doing so in a North Carolina State park campground. #-o

Re: Camping noob needs suggestions / guidance

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:50 am
by phr1$k37
dunedog wrote:
LiftedAWDAstro wrote: As for cutting firewood at the campsite, you can as long as it's already down. .

Not always true!
I use to think that, until I was doing so in a North Carolina State park campground. #-o

Yups - even if it is down you arent suppose to use it because it is suppose to be of biological life cycle ... something like 50 years to decay and during decay to provide food for insects and to still filter elements. Go figure eh?

Go camping in the woods more often >.< You only have to deal with the mountain lions and bears, much safer than Green Peace filled minded folks (not that I have anything against them since they stopped putting NAILS in trees).