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Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:31 pm
by d3athm3talh3ad
free always makes things better!! you just have to send me some pics when she gets it done!!! i'll bet she'll be all smiles for a week!!! i was after i started my first car up with the engine i rebuilt with my dad...

i really liked that part in my cousin vinney, but when the original fast and furious came out, and the line goes 'she was always into cars though' that fit me like a glove...then i see gals like jesse on extreme 4x4 who can weld, fabricate, do bodywork and paint...they just push me to want to do more...

Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:11 pm
by potskie
d3athm3talh3ad wrote:free always makes things better!! you just have to send me some pics when she gets it done!!! i'll bet she'll be all smiles for a week!!! i was after i started my first car up with the engine i rebuilt with my dad...

i really liked that part in my cousin vinney, but when the original fast and furious came out, and the line goes 'she was always into cars though' that fit me like a glove...then i see gals like jesse on extreme 4x4 who can weld, fabricate, do bodywork and paint...they just push me to want to do more...
I see women like that too and wonder where the hell do you find em. I can barely get my GF to help me bleed my brakes or hold things let along actually turn a wrench. My buddy has a fully licensed female mechanic working for him now. Almost knocked me off my feet when I went into his shop to visit and a woman popped out from under a hood all covered in grease definitely not something I'm used to seeing. There were a couple of females in an auto shop class I took tho. Said their fathers wouldn't let them drive or get their own cars until they took a few shop classes.

Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:16 am
My wife used to be interested, she used to help her dad when she was a teenager change oil. Now she's got me, so she could care less. I love Extreme 4x4, Jesse is awesome with a welder, not bad to look at either :D :yawinkle:

Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:36 am
by ihatemybike
potskie wrote:There were a couple of females in an auto shop class I took tho. Said their fathers wouldn't let them drive or get their own cars until they took a few shop classes.
Brilliant, although I hope I done have to force her into it.

Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:06 pm
by GnarliSafari
gas prices shouldnt scare you away from a v8 too much. these vans dont exactly get good mileage in the first place, and most full size chevys with v8s actually get better mileage if not the same so putting a properly built v8 into something that is possibly lighter if not the same weight i would think you would break even if not get better mileage.

Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:28 pm
by Cobra
GnarliSafari wrote:gas prices shouldnt scare you away from a v8 too much. these vans dont exactly get good mileage in the first place, and most full size chevys with v8s actually get better mileage if not the same so putting a properly built v8 into something that is possibly lighter if not the same weight i would think you would break even if not get better mileage.

lol that what i keep telling myself as i dream of a vortec v8

Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:52 pm
by d3athm3talh3ad
gas prices shouldnt scare you away from a v8 too much. these vans dont exactly get good mileage in the first place, and most full size chevys with v8s actually get better mileage if not the same so putting a properly built v8 into something that is possibly lighter if not the same weight i would think you would break even if not get better mileage.
all vans are basically bricks going through the wind, so i've never expected one to have great gas mileage, but if it's near what my blazer gets, thats all i need...i have thought about it, but the cold, brutal truth right now is, i have a v-6 to put in it and no v-8...perhaps in the future, but right now the v-6 is free and ready to go...

Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 10:10 pm
by Water Boy
No wonder your back hurts, you are supposed to use an engine hoist to get the engine out. :yikes:
I didn't see one in the pics.

Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:02 pm
by phr1$k37
d3athm3talh3ad wrote:...and my fingers weren't too greasy, i had on gloves!!! :muhaha:

actually this is my 4th engine swap...done one on my first car, a '74 satellite sebring, one on my '70 pontiac hearse, one on my old full-size '84 chevy van

See and that is why I laugh at D/L's current sign photo ... how many of us guys WEAR gloves ... eh? Ok, how many of us spend countless hours grumbling and scrubbing before heading off to a meeting with those dirty hands and fingernails -_-

Wow! If manly-hood was measured by how many engine swaps were performed ... I am a total ranking newbie =D>

Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:09 pm
by d3athm3talh3ad
waterboy-- :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: there definately was a hoist involved!!! i'm sure finding out that i'm not as limber as i used to be...the last swap i had done on the full size van was done over a weekend, took a straight six out of a 72 chevy pickup, set it on the ground, pulled the van motor set it down, put the p/u motor in the van, and was going to put the van motor into the mounts for the p/u when the rental hoist died and started spewing fluid out...wouldn't lift the engine higher than the bumper...ended up getting a few guys over and we all lifted and threw it in the bed instead..but i sure didn't hurt like i did the other day....

phrisket--manly-hood isn't measured that way, but maybe WOmanlyhood is!!! lol!!! i've got some imitation mechanix gloves and they're a lifesaver!!! but when they get old and oil/grease/funk/what have you soaked, i wear some latex gloves under them to make them last a little longer before replacing...i don't keep real long nails, since they're so thin and tear easy, but black nail polish does disquise blood blisters and the like...

Re: no wonder my back hurts..

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:00 am
by dunedog
d3athm3talh3ad wrote:, but black nail polish does disquise blood blisters and the like...
:muhaha: :prayer: