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Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:22 am
by rlsllc
Merry Christmas to everyone here.

I have 4 happy children and a happy wife, so it's a great Christmas so far.

We had a Monkey Bread for Breakfast, and plenty of coffee.

I got my wife a full size wood guitar for her Guitar Hero game, and the World Tour game. I look forward to watching her play and hearing the tunes. I guess it was kind of for both of us, although I don't play the game.

Kids got some cool toys, although only a few. The Lego Duplo block sets were a big hit. Both little ones got trikes like Big Wheels, only they were Diego and Dora. They have been riding them in the addition.

My oldest got an acoustic guitar, and an amp and strings/parts for his electric, so it's been musical. We listened to Twisted Sister's Twisted Christmas CD, complete with the Heavy Metal 12 days of Christmas.

My 10 year old got some blue spy goggles, that's been his favorite. He got some better stuff, but that's the one he likes the bast. Cheapest too, which only goes to figure.

I got some small LED flashlights, one with a lazer pointer and one with a long telescoping magnet in the middle. You can't go wrong giving me a flashlight, I'm very pleased.

I hope you all enjoy the gifts you got and gave, and the people that gave and received.

It's time to go "Over the river and through the woods", and get some grub.

Merry Christmas.

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:48 am
by slim724
Merry Xmas to everyone! Had more family than Money this year, not a bad thing but the van will have to stay in it's stock form for a while longer

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:18 pm
by SoCalli V8
rlsllc wrote:Merry Christmas to everyone here.

I have 4 happy children and a happy wife, so it's a great Christmas so far.

We had a Monkey Bread for Breakfast, and plenty of coffee.

I got my wife a full size wood guitar for her Guitar Hero game, and the World Tour game. I look forward to watching her play and hearing the tunes. I guess it was kind of for both of us, although I don't play the game.

Kids got some cool toys, although only a few. The Lego Duplo block sets were a big hit. Both little ones got trikes like Big Wheels, only they were Diego and Dora. They have been riding them in the addition.

My oldest got an acoustic guitar, and an amp and strings/parts for his electric, so it's been musical. We listened to Twisted Sister's Twisted Christmas CD, complete with the Heavy Metal 12 days of Christmas.

My 10 year old got some blue spy goggles, that's been his favorite. He got some better stuff, but that's the one he likes the bast. Cheapest too, which only goes to figure.

I got some small LED flashlights, one with a lazer pointer and one with a long telescoping magnet in the middle. You can't go wrong giving me a flashlight, I'm very pleased.

I hope you all enjoy the gifts you got and gave, and the people that gave and received.

It's time to go "Over the river and through the woods", and get some grub.

Merry Christmas.
Monkey Bread, > now that`s a great start to the day ! I will always remember being introduced to 'Firecakes' monkey bread at `08 Neco, something that I have never tasted before and you don`t see it here in Calli.

Keep your kids enthused with playing the guitar.... they may grow up to be Rockstars one day .... :supz: :guitar: :supz:

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:41 pm
by Great A'Tuin
Merry Christmas all and may you all get the mods you want next year! :partyman:


Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:12 pm
by T.Low
Merry Chrismas everyone, and may we all enjoy a healthy, prosperous, dream fulfillling New Year.

I also want to say that my lap top died a violent death so I only check in quickly on my work computer. Hope to change that some time soon but we'll see...

Cheers, (I'm going the eggnog and Bailey's route tonite back home in Michingan with my family.)

Tom L.

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:36 am
by astrozam
Enjoy the Holidays with the Family Tom, Baileys Yes....Eggnog Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, lol

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:42 pm
by CaptSquid
Still recovering from the feast. 'Twas a nice family gathering, wherein everyone contributed to the strain on the table. My youngest brother even made a Figgy Pudding!

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:34 am
by Astro4x4
So I'm a couple of days late but ....... Merry Christmas everyone !!

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:01 am
by Drooler
" The Lego Duplo block sets were a big hit."

Facts you cnnot live with out knowing.

Leggo's are made completely by machine - raw material in - boxes of Leggo's out the other end.

If all the Leggo's produced were distributed to all the people in the world each person would receive 68 Leggo pieces.

You may now resume living

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:47 am
by Munken
Do you know that only 3 pieces of 1000000 goes wrong in the production =D> and they are melted down and recycled into new Lego pieces.

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:29 pm
by rlsllc
After reading the above two posts, I've decided that Lego should have been the one to buy Dodge. Or GM for that matter.

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:50 pm
by astroturf
If I might chime in on the LEGO topic. If all the screams caused by stepping on a LEGO block with a bare foot could be synchronized and sounded at the same time. It would be heard on the Moon. Jim

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:00 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
Now that's funny! :muhaha: Yup, I have stepped on a few myself.

Re: Merry Christams to all my Astro/Safari friends!....

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:07 am
by Munken
The ultimate torture test for the U.S. Marine Corps, go through a dark room with thousands of Lego pieces (them small one with only 4 knobs on) barefoot and silent. #-o