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Re: My "new" Safari is almost legal!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:58 pm
by potskie
kings-x59 wrote:
Grover wrote:Well I probably could have done it myself, but I don't have the proper tool to remove the door trim :whistle: :
now you tell me, you mean my phillips head and a big-ass flat screw driver weren't the proper tools? Holy s**t,, I could have done all kinds of irepairable damage! :yikes:

Big flat head screwdriver?????? I just grabbed and yanked....

Re: My "new" Safari is almost legal!

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:19 am
by Grover
:bounce: :bounce:

Finally! My Safari is finally road worthy... got the safety certificate for it yesterday and the plates went on about 2pm. I'm having a hard time getting used to the fuel mileage on it.. I put $5 in it yesterday and have gone all over hell's creation. What a difference compared to the Dodge B250 I had.

Planning a trip to Toronto on Tuesday with it.. \:D/