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Re: Man Camp 2010 - More Pics & Cave Dive Videos

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 7:45 am
by 9dawgs
T.Low wrote:Ha! Great stuff, Jim! You sure there aint no gators in that there water?
Oh yes, there are gators a plenty. They really do tend to stay away though. The only ones that you normally hear about in the news are the ones in retention ponds built for subdivisions. They have a limited food supply in those locations so they have to eat what they it a small dog, duck or unaware person walking the shore or the occasional drunk who passes out too close to a pond...(we had one of those a couple of years ago not too far from my house, really bad scene).

The ones in the wild normally won't mess with you. That's not saying they won't, but normally it's not the case 8-[ The greater concern for me are water moccasins. Those are agressive and nasty critters!! :yikes: I get them in my pool when we've had a lot of rain...

Re: Man Camp 2010 - More Pics & Cave Dive Videos

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 12:48 pm
by mdmead
Great pics and video!

You can keep the water moccasins! I'd rather deal with our (loud) rattle snakes!

Re: Man Camp 2010 - More Pics & Cave Dive Videos

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 5:03 pm
by Rebel
What was that movie with Burt Reynolds in it ? :muhaha: :muhaha:

Great videos,,cave diving I never got the nerve to try,,very very dangerous but looks like you guys knew your way around and wasn't the first time out. Don't get over confident and decide to try another newer route you've never been before. Very dangerous diving. Take care and have fun,,that's what it's all about.

Re: Man Camp 2010 - More Pics & Cave Dive Videos

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:52 pm
by rlsllc
Rebel wrote:What was that movie with Burt Reynolds in it ? :muhaha: :muhaha:
I actually LOL'd at that comment! Still grinning, man I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything....

Re: Man Camp 2010 - More Pics & Cave Dive Videos

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 7:04 pm
by snapple
rlsllc wrote:
Rebel wrote:What was that movie with Burt Reynolds in it ? :muhaha: :muhaha:
I actually LOL'd at that comment! Still grinning, man I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything....
Somehow that blew right over my head,until you mentioned it! Queue up the Foggy mountain breakdown! :poke:
Great videos Jim! :cheers:

Re: Man Camp 2010 - More Pics & Cave Dive Videos

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:00 pm
by 9dawgs
Rebel wrote:What was that movie with Burt Reynolds in it ? :muhaha: :muhaha:
Ha! Now you're showing your age Rebel! There weren't no squeelin' like a pig on this trip! [-X

Oh and these caves you could do in one breath. They were only about 10ft down. Great Florida fun :yellin:

Re: Man Camp 2010 - More Pics & Cave Dive Videos

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:08 pm
by 9dawgs
mdmead wrote:You can keep the water moccasins! I'd rather deal with our (loud) rattle snakes!
Oh we have the rattle snakes as well. The big ol' eastern diamondbacks :yikes: , but if that isn't enough we still have to worry about the pigmy rattlers... They like to hang out at the base of pines and such and soak up the sun. They'll light you up pretty quick if you get into their business. We had a rash of folks getting bit last year while mowing their yards and one guy just went to get his paper from the front yard.

Living in Florida ain't for sissies :-k

Re: Man Camp 2010

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 6:22 am
by Lumpy
9dawgs wrote:
couldn't stand the pink & green hull anymore so I painted on some Florida Camo when I got home

I used 4 different colors and palmetto & ferns for stencils

I think it turned out ok...
CAMO! My favorite color... :bounce:
Glad to see you come over to the dark, er highlight/shadow side.

Now get that fern and that rattle can busy on the REST
of your van.. :yawinkle:

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke

Re: Man Camp 2010

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 6:29 am
by 9dawgs
Lumpy wrote:CAMO! My favorite color... :bounce:
Glad to see you come over to the dark, er highlight/shadow side.

Now get that fern and that rattle can busy on the REST
of your van.. :yawinkle:

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke
Haha! I actually thought about doing the bottom of the van around the cladding and bumpers. Without some good surface prep though I was afraid it wouldn't stick too well. One of these days I might just get some of those camo stickers that you can wrap it with \:D/ They are expensive though....

Re: Man Camp 2010 - More Pics & Cave Dive Videos

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 11:57 pm
by Moreforles
Rebel wrote:What was that movie with Burt Reynolds in it ? :muhaha: :muhaha:

cave diving I never got the nerve to try,,very very dangerous but looks like you guys knew your way around and wasn't the first time out. Don't get over confident and decide to try another newer route you've never been before. Very dangerous diving. Take care and have fun,,that's what it's all about.

one of the most dangerous types of diving... I've been wanting to check out an old emerald mine in NC that's been flooded for a long time..... you can see the doors and tracks through the water, but site manager wouldn't let us take a closer look.