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Re: My XP computer

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:43 pm
by justice
"Imaging" is where they use a program like "Ghost" to make and image of your current hard drive, and then drop that image on the hard drive of a new computer. The good thing about this is that it keeps all of your data, and software intact. Where problems can arise is when the new computers hardware is very different from the old one making driver conflicts happen. These can be fixed but can be troublesome for the tech.

If you dont want to shell out for a new system right now, you can check sites like and they sell off lease corporate computers. the system are usually 3-4 years old, but are decent systems for psople who don't need a lot of processing power, and can usually be purchased for well under $200 (CPU only)

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:10 pm
by 1Gary
Thanks for the suggestion.

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:17 pm
by leadtrombone
Imaging is not "experimental"....

It is a tried and true process. But only really works with identical machines. That being said. If you have data that you need to save you can hook the hard drive up to another computer and copy what you need (if the hard drive is ok).

You could also use that drive as an external storage with the addition of a hard drive case (about 20 bucks at most places).

So if your computing needs are modest you can find some great deals in the used market or even on the low end market.

----- I got to say on a side note. As a computer hobbiest, and professional for a number of years i am dissapointed at the lack of what seems to be honest answers and explainations from the so called profesionals at the stores you have been to. They all seem to have different answers. This disturbs me greatly. ---

Good luck on the hunt. If you need any more un-biased advice..... Just ask.....

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:31 pm
by MountainManJoe
If you do have a virus, it will be carried over in the image onto the new computer.

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:06 pm
by 1Gary
Seems to make sense the computer has both virus and a damaged mother board caps.As I remember it(it was 4 months ago),the computer would for a moment boot up,say it was protecting it's files(the virus I guess) and then go blank.(the board damage I guess)

Wondering if imaging could have a pre-screening function to rid it of viruses before transferring to another computer??.What depth of anti-virus do I need to rid a used computer of viruses??.I heard a used computer can be infested so deep,that the virus is hidden in/behind the XP program.Could a virus cause
the mother board damage??.

What's up with boards from Newegg or Tigerdirect???.Do you buy a replacement board from them that has the Windows Home edition program already on them??.Or do you have to image them too??.

I think at this stage I would be happy to just get back my XP working and then rebuild all the info I had.

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:05 pm
by MountainManJoe
The key is to identify the virus. Then you can find a removal tool or antivirus program to target that specific virus. Sometimes viruses are bad enough to do irrepairably corrupt your operating system software (XP). Viruses that damage hardware are extremely rare. You will probably never see one. The virus and Windows XP both live on your hard drive and the main board is totally separate.

I get the feeling these repair guys are taking you for a ride, and I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't attempt any troubleshooting before trying to sell you a new computer.
Does your computer start in safe mode at least? (turn it on and hold down the F5 key)

The first thing I would do is attempt to get rid of the virus, because that might be the root of all your problems. You won't know until you've gotten that out of the way. If the problem persists, I would then test the hardware to isolate where the problem lies. (software, hardware, operating system etc.)

1. See if your hard drive will start up a different healthy computer.
2. See if a different healthy hard drive will start up your computer.

It's not too different from diagnosing vehicle problems. :)

If XP is toast, you may be able to repair. If not, you may be able to reinstall it and still save your data. If you hard disk is toast, then all you need is a new one, but you have to reinstall XP and you may lose some of your data. If your main board truly is dead, then you may not be able to find a drop-in replacement. Your data might still be safe, but you'd be looking at buying a whole new box.

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:18 pm
by Cobra
first sorry Gary i'm going to hijack your thread a little bit since i can't really add much since we have no idea what you computer does do (unless i missed the thread when it kicked the bucket) ANY diagnosis from us is nothing but guessing. I did however see some good suggestions
second i don't mean to be offensive in anyway I just noticed a couple things in here that i'd like to inquire about
leadtrombone wrote: As a computer hobbiest, and professional for a number of years i am dissapointed at the lack of what seems to be honest answers and explainations from the so called profesionals at the stores you have been to. They all seem to have different answers. This disturbs me greatly. ---
There are shady people in any given business, that's business you're there to make money sadly some people take it too far sometimes. I don't see the problem in here though the answers were basically the same "the computer is shot" sure the second person was vague(might be an understatement) but he/she was only leaving a message if it was in person or on the phone they hopefully would have explained more.
How can you say if what they said was fact or fiction? Have you seen/tested the computer or gotten a full description of what it's doing like post messages, beep codes and windows error messages?
timelessbeing wrote: I get the feeling these repair guys are taking you for a ride, and I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't attempt any troubleshooting before trying to sell you a new computer.
I must have missed something in here for sure. It does happen a lot but how can you just assume that is the case?

I'm pretty sure most computer problems are no caused by "viruses" otherwise i think TimelessB is on the right page what does you computer do right now is the first step. If the capacitors on the board are shot normally the damage is visible (burning, blistering or bursting) also the first shop should have volunteered to show you did they? Lastly if the board really is shot it will probably be cheaper/easier to grab an off lease/used machine like Justice said and use you old hard drive as an external like Leadtrombone won't lose any data that isn't already gone that way

jeez that got way longer then i wanted sorry

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:00 am
by leadtrombone
I am not trying to say what is fact or fiction. I just don't like seing a comrade who is not very knowledgable being taken for a ride.

It is not just this thread but also here locally i see a coupla shops doing the same thing.

There is a difference between " you computer is shot and you need a new one " and (a good laymans explaination) and (a jargon full explaination that even a professional wouldn't understand) - can explain many things in a way that would make you think that everything is shot with out telling you that at all.. Sad but true.

The last i would expect from big box tech departments (best buy geek squad) but a small local shop that wants to retain business. ??? i might be wrong and i wasnt there in person. But the OP sounds frustrated and feels like he is not getting strait answers, therefore he is asking for advice.

I don't want to put words in you mouth gary. Sorry.

To that end i would love to do a trouble shooting session/q and a on this problem. Might we fix it??? Dunno. Could we come to a solution?? most definitely.

I still have a issue with shyster shops. They seem to stay in business through bad practices where the honest ones are.... too honest.

Sorry for the ........ 8-[ :yikes: #-o 8-[ ..........

Anyone need computer help or advice i am here to serve....

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:27 am
by 1Gary
Timeless and Cobra.Here is what the computer did from my best memory from the last time I used it 3 or 4 months ago.

It quickly booted up saying it was protecting it's files.Almost a flash.

Then before I could do anything would go blank.

I think I tried the set-up function and it would do the same thing.

I don't have a problem paying for diagnostic services.Being I come from a services back round.When I went to the first shop and they removed the side panel with a thumb screw to show me burnt caps in seconds after I left it with them for two days and paid them $40.00,I thought the charge was excessive.That is a failing of a policy of a blanket charge which does not address each customer's issues one on one.

I looked up a receipt from when I bought the computer in 2008.The computer is still at the second shop.

The receipt says it is a Compaq Presario s3100nx.Windows XP home.In a separate column has these numbers 351984/777.

What has me holding off from going to talk to the second shop is from what I have found is imaging isn't experiential as they claim it to be.In that I think I found them to be out and out lying to me.

So what I have here is a shop that didn't tell me they don't do component repairs in advance taking my $40.00 and a second shop that appears to be lying to me about a process that has been around for yrs and trying to B.S. me.The paperwork the second shop gave me it appears the don't have XP keys or licensing as the place I bought the computer from which no longer sells refurbished computers.

So what I am doing is cooling off some because I am ticked off from finding two shops in a row that felt they could disrespect me and I wouldn't check.

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:50 am
by Cobra
Leadtrombone: personally i don't think there is much difference between " you computer is shot and you need a new one " since you will not have a computer therefor you will need to get a replacement but i guess that depends on the situation. everything else you said i agree with especially the explanations, sometimes they are just wrong completely (got one of those when buying gear for my current computer ignored him and took my stuff and left)
1Gary wrote:So what I have here is a shop that didn't tell me they don't do component repairs in advance taking my $40.00 and a second shop that appears to be lying to me about a process that has been around for yrs and trying to B.S. me.
So what I am doing is cooling off some because I am ticked off from finding two shops in a row that felt they could disrespect me and I wouldn't check.
Gary I for one have NEVER seen any computer store that would replace electronic components of the motherboard and when you did find someone to do it i'd be willing to bet buying a new motherboard would be cheaper. When you're willing to talk to the second shop right off the bat ask them exactly what's wrong they should be able to answer in 1 or 2 sentences that anyone can understand. If that board really is shot you'll have to replace it i'm not sure how hard it is to find the board you need but if it's the socket "A" one that i think the places i normally shop don't sell them anymore so this will turn into a major rebuild motherboard, CPU and RAM will have to be replaced if you can't find the board.
I've gone through many computers, since they are always active even when i'm not around and built/sold 100's. i have only seen 2 caps blow ever one literally popped after i replaced the board i found out when it went it also took the CPU along with it (basically built a brand new computer). The second one just burnt/discolored and was under warranty sent it back to manufacturer and they sent me a new board i'm still using that board.

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:46 am
by leadtrombone
Compaq Presario s3100nx

Product Name s3100nx
US Product # DC477A
Chassis (Color) Minitower – Silver/Black
Color detail Black/Gray
Microprocessor AMD Athlon XP2200+ 1.8 GHz
Frontside Bus Speed 200/266 MHz
Processor Architecture PGA462 Socket A
Chipset Via KM266
Hard Drive 80 GB Ultra DMA
Drive RPM 5400 RPM
Memory 256 MB DDR SDRAM
Memory Max 1 GB
Memory Speed 2100 MB/Sec
Total DIMM Sockets 2-184 pin
Available DIMM Sockets 0-184 pin open
Primary Cache (L1) 128 KB
Second-Level Cache (L2) 256 KB
Multimedia Drive 16X maximum speed DVD-ROM
CD, DVD Rewritable Drive DVD/CD-RW combo (32X/10X/12X/40X)
Diskette Drive 3.5” (1.44 MB)
Fax/Data Modem Lucent V.92 56K modem
Network Integrated 10/100 Base-T
Keyboard Compaq Internet Keyboard (PS/2)
Mouse Internet Scroll Mouse (PS/2)
Sound Integrated Realtek ALC201 (AC97)
Speakers N/A
Speaker Form Factor N/A
Total Expansion Slots (3) PCI (1) AGP 4X 1.5v
Available Slots (2) PCI (1) AGP 4X 1.5v
Total Drive Bays Ext. (1) 3.5” (2) 5.25” Int. (2) 3.5”
Available Drive Bays (1) 3.5” Int.
Total External Ports (1) Serial (6) USB 2.0 (1) Parallel (2) PS/2
Available External Ports (1) Serial (6) USB 2.0 (1) Parallel
Front Mounted Ports (2) USB 2.0
Video Graphics (AGP) Integrated ProSavage AGP (Via KM266 Chipset)
Graphics Memory 32 MB of DVM
Tower Dimensions 22.25 x 11.25 x 19.875 inches
Power Supply 200 Watts

This is what is in that model computer. It is an outdated model and not surprising that capacitors may have gone. That being said. Just about anything that you could get today (new i.e. the bargain basement stuff, nettops, netbooks and such) will more than do what this machine will do. My advice would be....

If the capacitors are bad, they could be replaced and the board made to work but cost $$. If that is the only issue hardware wise could be worth it if you can find someone to do it.

Replacing the mother board will be difficult as it will be harder to find a drop in replacement (maybe have to buy used which runs the issue of bad/ageing hardware again) or $$$ if you can get a new one from HP/Compaq. Their motherboards are a little proprietary but this seems to me to be a time consuming and possibly costly affair.

A new system built from components using some of your old hardware (which will probably be only the monitor, case, harddrive(maybe), CD/DVD drive, keyboard and mouse) might be the most economical, but probably only if you DIY. I don't know what the "shops" would charge for the labor and such.

I priced a whole computer in parts (sans monitor, keyboard, and mouse) for about $350 + S+H

I liitle looking and it could be reduced. (let me know if you want the details.)

Any way. Based on the old hardware, i think any fixing would just wind up with more fixing rather soon. Thats if it is hardware (which it sounds like)

If it is a virus issue (which could be in addition to the above) Then it will only be an issue if you can get the hardware working or if you need to get important data off of the old hard drive.

Virus removal... Can be a real pain and involve lots of reasearch. I can be costly if you have someone else do it. However if saving your data is not of importance (or can be recovered elsewhere) a clean reinstall is a quick and easy solution.

You say that you tried that had had the same issues so i am lead to believe that there is a hardware issue.

Any way. Thats how i see it. And as always, it is only worth it if you feel it's worth it.

Good luck.

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:30 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
Gary, unless you MUST get the data off the HD, you will be money ahead to just buy a new computer. Staples has refurb'd units for under $200 with a 1 year warranty...Staples Link.

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:03 am
by Cobra
well Gary only thing i have to say now is virus removal and data recovery is extremely easy with a virus protected properly working machine. Only thing left is for you to decide which path you prefer

Re: My XP computer

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:46 pm
by 1Gary
From the bottom of my feet to the top of my head I want to thank everyone for their suggestions.On Monday I am going to go to pick up my XP.I'll have to wait for a couple of weeks for funds to free up.I think my comfort zone is greater by buying a used computer from a company like Staples at the local store over getting one from "Joes repair",private sale,or a on line auction.Thanks Dean.Great lead.Again,thank you all for your help.If I didn't choose you suggestion,it is all not for not.I learned tons. =D> =D> :prayer: