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Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:22 pm
by peter
I'm insulted. I simply meant to purposely paint a grim picture so that you'd appreciate your relatively painless operation. Did I hear one little "Thank, Pete, you're a sport"? Nada, nuthin'!

I'm deeply hurt. I was gonna call you to see how ypou're doing, but now....I just don't know anymore [-(

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 8:55 pm
by SafariRob
Y'know, Larry, you getting all this attention is okay and all, but when do I get a turn, huh?
Did I mention that I recently had to see a medical specialist, too? Yeah, I did. It was a prostate exam, and let me tell you, that KY jelly was really cold! And I'm really not so keen on having the ol' shipping dock used for receiving, if'n you catch my drift.

Huh? Whatya mean I'm "over sharing" and to knock it off?
Okay, okay, I'll leave but I'll be back...

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 9:06 pm
by 91AWDAstro
Good luck Larry, and hope you have a speedy recovery. I hear that the recovery for those is fairly quick, so no using it as an excuse not to work on that van. I woulnd't want to see what the :smurf: would do to it. :D

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:07 am
by Jim in Indy
SafariRob wrote:Y'know, Larry, you getting all this attention is okay and all, but when do I get a turn, huh?
Did I mention that I recently had to see a medical specialist, too? Yeah, I did. It was a prostate exam, and let me tell you, that KY jelly was really cold! And I'm really not so keen on having the ol' shipping dock used for receiving, if'n you catch my drift.

Huh? Whatya mean I'm "over sharing" and to knock it off?
Okay, okay, I'll leave but I'll be back...
Did you start humming the theme from 'Star Trek' ??? (To boldly go where no man has gone before?) :poke:

All you young pups need to know what life has in store for you......

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 9:11 am
by Rebel
And I'm really not so keen on having the ol' shipping dock used for receiving, if'n you catch my drift.
:muhaha: :muhaha: Now that's funny Rob. Hope the results were good my friend. Been there and it will bring ya up on your toes for sure.

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 9:37 am
by potskie
Glad to hear your doing fine larry. Wish I hadda seen this earlier!

Jim in Indy wrote:
SafariRob wrote:Y'know, Larry, you getting all this attention is okay and all, but when do I get a turn, huh?
Did I mention that I recently had to see a medical specialist, too? Yeah, I did. It was a prostate exam, and let me tell you, that KY jelly was really cold! And I'm really not so keen on having the ol' shipping dock used for receiving, if'n you catch my drift.

Huh? Whatya mean I'm "over sharing" and to knock it off?
Okay, okay, I'll leave but I'll be back...
Did you start humming the theme from 'Star Trek' ??? (To boldly go where no man has gone before?) :poke:

All you young pups need to know what life has in store for you......
Dude I'm 24 and I've had one already. NOT A FAN! at least I made sure to tell the doctor that I expect dinner and a movie first.

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:07 pm
by kings-x59
Reb, don't bust a stitch. try not to laugh too much.
Rob ..dude, I was 30 before my first. My internist told me he was about to give me the secret doctor's handshake. NOW, my hand's never been up there, my head maybe, but never my hand! dinner and a movie would have been nice.... :yawinkle:

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 4:34 pm
by SafariRob
potskie wrote:
Dude I'm 24 and I've had one already. NOT A FAN! at least I made sure to tell the doctor that I expect dinner and a movie first.
24?! Potskie, at that age I didn't even know what a prostate gland was! Sure hope all was well with you.
As for me, I've been diagnosed with BPE, benign prostate enlargement and am now on Flomax. Not sure exactly why I'm taking Flomax, all it seems to do is make me blush at strange times and makes me dizzy sometimes.

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 4:38 pm
by wagonmaster
Glad all went well! Heal yourself now and don't lift anything for a while!!

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:31 pm
by GEJ
Well Larry,
A little known fact is once you get to be my age,everything sag's some. :yikes: :yikes:

Opps-did I really say that.Ah,ok-good.

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 8:25 pm
by 91AWDAstro
Sounds like ol Peter took this harder than you!

No excuses now on finishing the van someday....

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 8:52 pm
by Jim in Indy
Hey Mods??? Gan we get a Sub-Topic on the board titled; MENS HEALTH ??

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 6:18 am
by GEJ
Jim in Indy wrote:Hey Mods??? Gan we get a Sub-Topic on the board titled; MENS HEALTH ??
Not a bad idea???.But for me I would think a sub-sub,section to that would work better.How about a :-k :-k a mental health section,( 8-[ ) with guest appearances at campouts like Dr Phil????. :D :D

Hey wait a minute-LARRY no laughing here.Don't want you to tear anything up.

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:33 am
by TheChopFather
SafariRob wrote: Not sure exactly why I'm taking Flomax.
Flomax make your exhaust flow/sound like the Flomasters on yer V8 van! lol

Re: Small Surgery

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:48 am
by Jim in Indy
GEJ wrote:
Jim in Indy wrote:Hey Mods??? Gan we get a Sub-Topic on the board titled; MENS HEALTH ??
Not a bad idea???.But for me I would think a sub-sub,section to that would work better.How about a :-k :-k a mental health section,( 8-[ ) with guest appearances at campouts like Dr Phil????. :D :D

A MENTAL HEALTH section? Shoot.... that would be one of the best on-line comedy thingies on the internet....

Sub-sections like.... well.... this is a family-friendly forum.... O:)