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Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:05 pm
by Kidhauler
Hey timeless let's go start a bunch of crap on the politico forum to make people feel needed.

Although I'm not sure how bad a post would have to be to get slapped in a anything goes forum. :rolleyes:

Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:46 pm
by MountainManJoe
Hmm, not sure. Cursing up a storm? Do we even have any Terms of Service because I can't find them ...

I suppose you'd have to get the mods steamed somehow . :whistle: O:)


Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:21 pm
by 1Gary
For me it is the only site that has history of the people that started it all.I am very proud to have to spend the time I have with them over the yrs.The nightly chat rm's we had and the chance to have met them in person at NECO's.And vans aside,the other things I have learned from them as well.

Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:08 am
by ihatemybike
Mostly what I look out for is a user degrading to complete disrespect for another user, name calling (not done in fun), threats, etc and continued stating someone is incorrect about something without backing it up with facts, such as links with more information.

Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:46 am
by Kidhauler
Thanks for the tips. :muhaha:

Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:07 pm
by Smiliesafari
You boys better behave yourselves. The men in the big black sedan knows where you live. [-X

Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:03 pm
by MountainManJoe
Aw Common! I was picked on as a kid. I need someone to take out my aggression on :muhaha:

Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:54 pm
by safari kev
I am also on that other astrosafari site. (found links for there and here on wikipedia) I liked it over there until I found this place. then one day I misstyped the address for this place (forgot the s on vans) and ended up over there. IMO, thats pretty deceiving. Haven't gone back since.
not to mention the aforementioned lack of privacy/ paranoid mod over there.
I'm on a cadillac forum where the personality of the board varies from subforum to subforum. some of the guys with the newer caddies are so uptight and anal about every little thing and expect their car to be the hope diamond. some of them seem to be angry at everyone, not to mention some guys like to drag politics into everything, whether it makes any sense or not, just to ruffle feathers :poke: I try to stay out of those areas of the forum since I go online to relax, not to get pissed off and get high blood pressure.

Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:53 pm
by mdmead
safari kev wrote: then one day I misstyped the address for this place (forgot the s on vans) and ended up over there. IMO, thats pretty deceiving.
Bingo! Give this man a prize. =D>

Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:06 pm
by Kidhauler
I still think that Ihatemybike is wrong just dead wrong. I'm not sure about what but wrong I say!!!!

Oh damn wrong section this whole poke the mods thing is alot of work.
I give up. Time for a beer. :cheers:

Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:32 am
by ihatemybike
timelessbeing wrote:Aw Common! I was picked on as a kid. I need someone to take out my aggression on :muhaha:
I was the tall, skinny, red head kid, from the poor family, that wasn't good at sports. Yeah, school really sucked at times.
Kidhauler wrote:I still think that Ihatemybike is wrong just dead wrong. I'm not sure about what but wrong I say!!!!
Yeah, that guy's a tool. That or he just spends too much time turning wrenches.

Re: So, how did this site come about and how is it different

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:50 am
by WoodButcher
Meterpig wrote: Just wish there were more owners who posted.
Alright, alright,,, :-k
Mr_Roboto wrote: I go to both sites. Honestly schism or not there are barely enough people for one message board much less two. Both are neither good nor bad in my opinion just different. Then again I go to a lot of boards as well.
I'm here now too,,,,

Rofl,,, I'm on two sites that have this issue, and :swords:
which came about because the owner was banned from XS. Language is not censored, assaults are common and often "mob mentality" rules, the only rule being you agree with the king, otherwise your handle becomes pink, the caption under your name gets changed to something derogatory and / or your avatar. I have had conversations with the owners in both places thinking these are really good folks, people I would enjoy being assosiated with. I've watched the drama for years, I'm the guy with popcorn on the sidelines..... On both sites the drama took center stage at times and the tech suffered. Sad thing,, needless to say neither site now opens in my start-up tabs. Now I'll stop in and lurk but neither are likely to see contributions from me. :-#