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Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:34 am
by MrJames
mdmead wrote:You are obviously more of an expert than I. That being said, I'm not concerned with this pour... and I hope you don't lose any sleep over it either. :muhaha:
I hope you understand that my comments are a reflection of your contractor's work and not of you. Without your pictures, I can't see it from here and it looks very fine (perfect) that way.

I also comprehend that you were not on site to define or direct the work yourself. I am pleased that you are pleased and will now sleep well knowing it is history building on non set up concrete. Oh how nice it is to get the fast inexpensive buck.

Pour On ! :partyman:

I will just lurk now.

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:04 am
by astrozam
Enjoying the pics Matt, keep um coming bro :cheers:

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:37 am
by mdmead
MrJames wrote:
I will just lurk now.
That's probably a good idea...

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:27 pm
by the beast
hey Matt,
really enjoying this post keep it running mate and keep your pictures coming too . . . . its really taking shape.


Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:49 pm
by peter
I just can't believe that you had the audacity to build a bigger garage than mine. Definitely not appreciated....

Awesom how quickly this thing's going up. Heating it will prolly bankrupt you. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. :whistle:

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:18 pm
by mdmead
About 7pm on Tuesday night, the wind kicked up and blew hard for a few hours. I was glad the rafters were all up as I knew the structure was a lot sturdier.

As soon as daylight hit on Wednesday, I took a few pics to see what the guys had accomplished on Tuesday afternoon after I left. Pretty impressive!


First up was cutting off the excess of the posts. Nothing high-tech here!


Next time I looked out, the roofing insulation was in place and the roof panels were going up/on.


All the panels in place.


The rest of the day was spent putting LOTS of screws in the roof, installing a ridgecap and then enclosing the soffits.

I did splurge and go with a 24" overhang all the way around. I don't recall the exact cost, but it was at least a couple of grand. But it looks so much better and was really important off the front to move the water away from the door.

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:22 pm
by LiftedAWDAstro
Looking great! I can't wait until the time comes when I can afford to build a nice working garage! :supz:

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:21 pm
by kamenz
Matt,since you are in the process to improve this lousy economy you might as well consider to upgrade your fleet to store in this new garage/work shop. :-k

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:37 pm
by mdmead
LiftedAWDAstro wrote:Looking great! I can't wait until the time comes when I can afford to build a nice working garage! :supz:
Yeah, I"ve been dreaming about a shop for nearly 10 years, ever since we moved here to Selah. At our old house, I was just considering a small two car garage, probably in the 24'x24' range. After moving to our current property, I realized I needed to think BIGGER. But there was that cost problem... Well, cost is still an issue, but the timing was right. But as I wandered around in the building tonight, I see a whole bunch of more work that needs to be done... insulated walls, electrical, etc., and the costs invoved. Yikes! :yikes:

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:42 pm
by WoodButcher
Nice, your contractor lucked out with good weather. The one I built was pure misery, cold rain and sleet to start then a foot plus of snow, wind and temps in the teens. That is the same kit I used but you have a heavier roof structure. I would imagine for a heavier snow load, where you have double trusses at the posts we did not. Our top truss member was 2x6" and the purlins 2x4" . We had to hang the trusses individually and frame in the air.

You'll have no problems with the footings. Hand mixed concrete is acceptable for these kits. As you noted the compactor was running full time so your pad is adequate. These kits are engineered to a point a homeowner could almost do it himself, everything is spelled out, in simple instructions and made as close to foolproof as can be, they have indivdual online and or telephone support for first timers like me. 1 (800) is a good thing to have when the building inspector wants to change the game plan,,,

The only issue I ran into were the entry doors. As they were installed into wet, green, PT lumber that twisted the first time it got a chance to dry. I went back 6 months later, reset the doors and they've been good since.

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:52 pm
by mdmead
That's it. Done. Shows over. You can all go home.

Well, just about!

On Thursday, the 4-man crew finished up.

Entry door installed in the morning.


Siding going up!








My wife and I headed off to see the latest Mission Impossible flick about 2:15pm. We didn't get home until around 6pm, and I then went out with my flashlight to look around. I was surprised to see it looked like the crew was done and gone. (But since the Bobcat was gone, I figured that was the case.)

This morning I went out and took a good look around and sure enough, they had finished up!








I was suprised that there was a doorknob installed and the keys left hanging. I guess they build complete!


Right now, my impression is that this work crew was one class act. It was obvious during the build everyone was experienced and knew what they were doing. I have not found one ding in the siding, a mis-cut or anything else.

They even left the jobsite in great shape, piling all the waste into a couple of neat piles. (I was informed before the build while signing the contract, I would be responsible for the end trash.)


This afternoon I walked over to the neighbors place behind us to see what it looked like from over there. It's noticeable!



My salesman, Ray, stopped by the jobsite yesterday to check on the progress and check in with me. (He chatted with my mother-in-law since we weren't there.) I expect to hear from him in the next day or two and will get an update regarding door installation and see about getting my floor poured.

But for now.... that's it!

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:05 am
by Smiliesafari
:supz: \:D/ :supz: \:D/ Break out the champagne..........It just doesn't get any better.

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:41 am
by okie1
You are a lucky dude, they did an excellent job

Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:26 pm
by astroturf
Congrats and Merry Christmas Matt & Family


Re: Matt's New Shop

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:36 am
by peter
Awesome build, Matt. I enjoyed watching this being built. Will you be working on the wiring etc during the holidays?

Coupla questions;

- Water supply, drains and 240v power? From where and into where?
- Styrofoam, fibreglas or sprayed-urethane insulation?
- Windows, or are you going windowless for higher security?