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Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:34 am
by Cobra
damn zam it's going to take me a while to catch up to that....

neighbors stro: lubricated partially seized drivers latch and reconnected outer door handle. he offered to loan me his stro while i take my front diff apart.... i don't think i can turn that offer down

Mine: cleaned MAF 2 of the 3 sensor wires (what are those things called anyways) were BLACK the other was grey cleaned them up nice and shinny again. i was amazed at how hard it was to get the sensor off the air box lid it seemed to be glue together i think it's the original and those torque screws i managed to cross thread one. lol a little oil and a die went back in no MAF toooooo easy not to do :supz:

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:37 pm
by ihatemybike
Grumpy: Tried to figure out why it wouldn't start. Good fuel pressure. Good spark. Kept on trying to start it and it eventually caught.

I'm blaming the fact that I parked it with almost no gas in it and the sub-zero temps we had the past week.

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:30 pm
by astroturf
Cleaned 10 inches of snow off of it.

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:25 pm
by Great A'Tuin
Friday I picked up a Bosch CIS fuel injector cleaner, still bolted to a roll-away cart.

Yesterday we went snowboarding, hung out in the Great A'Tuin between runs...

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:52 pm
by astroturf
Drove it around in 10 inches of snow.

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:40 pm
by ihatemybike
Co-worker's 94 Safari: Overall inspection. Found that the front pads, rotor, and fuel filter need replaced. The rear drums are a bit rustier than I'd like, but serviceable. Decided that the front shock are due to be replaced. We were going to do the rear diff service, but the lucky duck has the G80 and we had no source today for the additive. Test drive revealed a slow 2-3 shift. The van has 165k miles. I'm trying to find a cause other than the 3-4 clutch pack, but thus far it looks that way.

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:31 am
by Kabey's Van
Yesterday my G/F's '03 Caravan got some attention.
I replaced both valve cover gaskets, plugs, wires, PCV and air filtre.
Relacing the valve cover gaskets required removing the wiper assembly, the upper plenum and undoing almost everything up top. What a pain in the :butthead:.
I replaced the engine oil pan gasket, the trans-axle pan gasket, new oil and filtres' in both.
Replaced the frame bushings on the front sway-bar and finally, I put a new lightbulb in the ash tray of KB's van.
Today I am going to put a new fuel filtre in the Dodge. To do this I have to drop the fuel tank. :rolleyes:
I have finally convinced her to sell it. She want's a Astro. :supz: :heart:

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:00 am
by crash
Kabey's Van wrote:Replaced the frame bushings on the front sway-bar and finally, I put a new lightbulb in the ash tray of KB's van
we have a lightbulb in our ashtrays? coooool \:D/ LOL
astroturf wrote:Drove it around in 10 inches of snow.
and how what that? .. I couldn't believe it when they showed the snow you guys got on our local news up here in Canada. It's been awesome this year.. everywhere but us has been getting that white crap this year. you can keep it!!.. next year I'm hoping we send the cold temps along with it so the snow stays around longer for ya 8-[

so far this year my area has only had about 6" of snow TOTAL between nov 1/09 - feb 01/10, broken down into about 4 or 5 little dustings. normally, we'd get 3"- 6" each time not counting the regular dustings. example: last year JUST for the month of november alone we had nearly 28" (cumulative) ... yes, just for NOVEMBER alone!! lol (you can see why I'm so happy)

now that i've said all that, we'll probably get hammered in february and it'll be my fault :peep:

back on topic:

been so busy with new computers, my kids university apps, work, wiring his car stereo... i've nothing but added fuel in both vans and thought about how bad they both need a bath

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:13 am
by astroturf
Hey Crash, It is the worst I've seen in the 20 plus since my transplant from Detroit. The tires in my sig have carried me over 200 miles around town since Sunday though. Expecting more on Saturday. I say bring it on, bringing back childhood memories. w00t. Jim

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:36 pm
by ihatemybike
Grumpy: Wahooooo!!!!! Donuts!

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:29 pm
by ihatemybike
Green: Woke up late for work and played sports car with it. The fresh trans is sweet!

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:24 pm
by reaper
Welded up the exhaust on Steph's 93.

-Did I mention Stephanie is working on the RS V-8 swap now?. :partyman:

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:18 am
by ihatemybike
reaper wrote:-Did I mention Stephanie is working on the RS V-8 swap now?. :partyman:
Oh Yeah! \:D/

Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:21 am
by Kabey's Van
reaper wrote:Welded up the exhaust on Steph's 93.

-Did I mention Stephanie is working on the RS V-8 swap now?. :partyman:
That's nice Sanja, I hope your keeping the house nice and clean, are all the dishes done?
What's for dinner?
Did you manage to get the bag in the vacuum changed or did Steph have to help with that. :muhaha:


Re: What did you do to/with your van today?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:54 pm
by reaper
House is semi-clean,Just made dinner,Even made desert.
Whats a vacuum? :poke: