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New guy from Canada

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:48 pm
by truC
Hello all.

My name is Curtis but my friends call me Curt.

First off I have to say this is an awesome site with many great builds and knowledgeable members.

I am not new to the values of these truck and the virtues of the AWD systems these great vehicles offer.

I have had and Astro and Safari, a '92 Astro and a '98 Safari. We lost the Safari about 7 yrs ago. The front diff seized on the highway, it eventually grenaded. I am pretty sure a disgruntled employee pulled the drain plug. I had no choice but to drive it to the next off ramp at which point the front end caught on fire. When the front end let go it went through the block too, which added to the cause of the fire. Need less to say it was scrap and we only had liability on it so insurance was not an option.

The bottom line is we are back in search of another AWD. They are pretty scarce here in Canada, only about 2 dozen currently for sale in the entire country worthy a look on any of the used online sites, and all with "high" mileage, 147 to over 300k.

If I had the space and time I would buy a couple and build one, there are a couple '98's around.

So far the info available on this site has been invaluable (which is how I learned about the '98's) and helped me with my decision to get another one, so thanks for that guys.

Until I found this site a week ago I had no idea the availability of the S-10 parts crossover and after market parts.

I look forward to contributing to the site once we actually get one. Any advice and input is welcomed.