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Links opening in thew same window

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:47 pm
by astronut74
I'm not sure if this is something that can be fixed/changed, but anytime a post contains a link, when I click on it, it opens in the same window. For instance if I were to click on a link for a youtube video, it would send me to the youtube site, but then ASV is gone. Is there anyway to have the links open up in a seperate window? I realize all I would have to do is just hit the back button to get back to the site, but if I get to the youtube site and I get sidetracked waching a few videos, then I have to keep hitting the back button to get to the original post. It would be much simpler if links opened in a seperate window.

Steve O

P.S the same thing happens when you click a photo to enlarge it.

Re: Links opening in thew same window

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:57 pm
by justice
yes i'm aware of this. I thought it was a phpbb3 setting but it appears that I will have to modify some code to change it. That will take a little while.

Re: Links opening in thew same window

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:17 am
What really bites is when you go to close the window of the other website, then you realize when it's too late just closed down the ASV forum. Justice will get it fixed!!! :prayer:

Re: Links opening in thew same window

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:08 am
by astrozam
Heres a simple work around
If using Firefox there is a down arrow with the back button,click this down arrow and then click on the window that you want to go back to,that way if your 10 links away you can go immediately back to the last page or others that you visited on the forum.
The same works for Opera,click on and hold the left mouse button on your back arrow (a drop down box will appear) scroll down to the page you want and let go of the mouse button BAM! your right where you want to be.

The point is this,the browsers today have this feature so that it is a simple act to navigate where-ever you want,if you have 10 people 5 will want a link to open in a new window and 5 will want it to open in the same window,its a non win situation,its much simpler and affective for the surfer to use the above methods,that way no-matter what site you visit you are not concerned with how the site is set-up you simply use the above methods to navigate.

I seldom use IE (except at work) so I do not know if they have a simaliar method or not,but with Firefox and Opera available the real question is why are you using IE unless thats all you have at work,LOL

Much simpler than Justice rewriting code.

Re: Links opening in thew same window

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:39 am
by justice
IE has the same feature with the back button.

But I want the external links opening in new windows which means I get to rewrite code. Why this was not standard in phpbb3 i do not know since its standard in just about every other forum software

Maybe in the next update they will fix it.

Re: Links opening in thew same window

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:29 am
Firefox is alway the answer for you Zam, isn't it, JUST SAY IT, SAAAAAAY IIIIIIIT!!!! :butthead: :muhaha: :D \:D/
I like the new window system, like Justice said, it's pretty much how every forum works, you just get in the habit of closing new window and go back to forum in old window. I really don't have a major problem with it, just have to remember what I'm doing.

Re: Links opening in thew same window

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:02 pm
by astrozam
If Dow wants to do it thats one thing,just explaining an easier work-around.

Firefox is a better overall browser than IE no question, but Opera is even better than Firefox and if you set up and run through OpenDNS things get even better.

Re: Links opening in thew same window

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:15 pm
by phr1$k37

Just going to add to Zam's reply with Firefox ... of which IE can do this as well but with Firefox you can set the behavior globally for any links to open in a new window or tab in the existing browsing window. "Tool" -> "Options" -> "Tabs" and it is staring at you :)

Re: Links opening in thew same window

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:48 pm
by mdmead
astrozam wrote:
but with Firefox and Opera available the real question is why are you using IE unless thats all you have at work,LOL

Because some of us have no issues with IE... [-X