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Over before it even started

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:53 pm
by ScoobyDoo82
Well guys, Im sorry to say that I will probably not be around here much anymore. My brother in law decided that it would be funny to sell the van 2 days before I was supposed to get it. On one hand its a load off but I really wanted Vicki. They did it because it suppposedly needed SO MUCH money put into it. When in reality it needs $300 TOPS. In my month of being here you guys were all very warm and welcoming and I thank you for that. I also just made a donation to the site, thats staying here Im not about to ask for it back, this site is too awesome for me to do that. Because this happend my mom has the hookup for a 1995 Ford Escort that she can get for me. Its no Astro but hey, its wheels. I'll probably be around here every once in a while and see whats going on but when I get my Escort you'll probably see me at Again thanks for the warm welcome, you guys are the nicest bunch of vehicle owners I've ever met.

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:48 pm
by rlsllc
Sorry that you lost your van. ](*,) Good dudes like you are an asset to this board, hang out here and one will come up for sale in your area. I may even sell you one of mine. :rolleyes:

They're out there. Just hold out.


Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:54 pm
by ScoobyDoo82
The only reason Im settling for the Escort is because my mom said she will buy it for me and pay for insurance. Whereas with the van, I was gonna be paying for everything. She didnt want me to have it and I understand but it would have been nice if my brother in law wasnt a dick about it telling me I was gonna get it all this time just to change his mind.

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:17 pm
by skippy
pop in anytime you want spencer , its been great getting to know you . for a young kid you seem to have a good head on your shoulders . i'm sure in time another astro will come your way & you'll be hooked all over again .


Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:26 pm
by ihatemybike
Sorry to here he did that to you. Be sure to stop by here, you seemed to be a good one.

Also if this BA/BE Rally thing works out, I might have a cheap custom painted Astro for sale every June starting in 2009. That is if my wife doesn't stop me.

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:30 pm
by ScoobyDoo82
I am majorly bummed about this. Those meets look so fun to attend but I guess I'll have to wait unless you guys want a 95 Escort there sticking out like a sore thumb :D

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:36 pm
by astrozam
Well,your more than welcome to hang out on the site :supz:

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:57 pm
by ihatemybike
ScoobyDoo82 wrote:I am majorly bummed about this. Those meets look so fun to attend but I guess I'll have to wait unless you guys want a 95 Escort there sticking out like a sore thumb :D
Hell, if you dig the Astros that much I doubt anyone would complain about the Escort.

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:02 pm
by SoCalli V8
Dude, what are you talking about......?

Just because you don`t own a StroFari, doesn`t mean that you can`t hang-out with our FUN Family here!

Because you ARE already part of our Fun Family.... no matter what you drive, heck I own two Ford 2.3 turbo cars also......

There is NO reason for you to leave us...... >> So Don`t. :supz:

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:12 am
by peter
Actually, let's make a trade. Let's convince Darren to leave and you to stay. I can live with that.....:yawinkle:

Seriously though, it don't matter what you drive. Look at;

Blazer. He Judased out on us and bought a Ford pickup, fer cryin' out loud. We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Liftedawdastro. He kept his green monstrosity, but sold his daily-ride Astro and bought a...Gag, Dodge pickup. Oh, and he's married to Lynne (a subject for another day). We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Lockdoc. He lives on the top of a mountain. Alone. With a big dog. A female dog. A seemingly havppy and very satisfied dog. He also has a lifetime supply of peanut butter. Need I say more? We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Darren. His rolling billboard for primer is a disgrace to us all. Heck, the damn thing is so ugly, it won't even stay on fire. We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Mmead. Oh boy, this is one fer the books. He had HIS WIFE tear down a perfectly operating van in anticipation of a swap for a 5.3 v-8 about 2 yrs ago. But then his wife had to cook supper that evening. The truck's been sitting in Daddy's barn ever since. We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Pharmastrocist. He refuses to post a hotty pic of either himself or his wife. We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Mr Roboto. I'm not even gonna start about this guy. You have to meet him to fully "appreciate" him. Makes for a good argument about whether or not aliens from outer space have indeed settled amongst us. We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Tune in next week when we continue showing fine examples of misfit members who are still tolerated on this site. :supz:

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:31 am
by GEJ
And then there is Peter.Well what can you say????. :-# :-#

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:48 am
by 91AWDAstro
And then there is Peter.Well what can you say????.
And then there is Peter.Well what can you say????. :-# :-#
I think there may be a limit on the size of a post isn't there? :rolleyes:

Hang out as much as you want. Hell I'm real close by I can swing by and give a ride in V8 stro some day. It's like the Olds club I belong to you don't have to own one, it's the intrest that counts. I'm not sure what it is about these vans, but I've had mine for 11 years. My brother is on his third Astro.

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:37 am
by Rebel
[quote][/quote]Actually, let's make a trade. Let's convince Darren to leave and you to stay. I can live with that.....

Seriously though, it don't matter what you drive. Look at;

Blazer. He Judased out on us and bought a Ford pickup, fer cryin' out loud. We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Liftedawdastro. He kept his green monstrosity, but sold his daily-ride Astro and bought a...Gag, Dodge pickup. Oh, and he's married to Lynne (a subject for another day). We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Lockdoc. He lives on the top of a mountain. Alone. With a big dog. A female dog. A seemingly havppy and very satisfied dog. He also has a lifetime supply of peanut butter. Need I say more? We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Darren. His rolling billboard for primer is a disgrace to us all. Heck, the damn thing is so ugly, it won't even stay on fire. We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Mmead. Oh boy, this is one fer the books. He had HIS WIFE tear down a perfectly operating van in anticipation of a swap for a 5.3 v-8 about 2 yrs ago. But then his wife had to cook supper that evening. The truck's been sitting in Daddy's barn ever since. We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Pharmastrocist. He refuses to post a hotty pic of either himself or his wife. We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Mr Roboto. I'm not even gonna start about this guy. You have to meet him to fully "appreciate" him. Makes for a good argument about whether or not aliens from outer space have indeed settled amongst us. We still talk to him, though behind his back we criticize his every move.

Tune in next week when we continue showing fine examples of misfit members who are still tolerated on this site.

Never fart in a wet suit

"Just keep swimming..."
97' 4wd Safari
ZZ 502 Ramjet
Ford 9"

Now that's funny, I don't care what anynody says,,that is funny.

As far as not getting the van,,hey, know that hurt but it'll happen. You've got time on your side,,save up and get what ya want down the road. I bet you already have a plan in the back of your mind,,right ??

Stay with us. No need to leave. Learn all you can from some of these guys and be ready for the day you get another van. It'll happen.

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:11 am
by Smiliesafari
YOU CAN'T LEAVE!!!!!!!!!! This site is linked to the mafia. Once you're in there's no way out. You try...we send Guido. GOT IT?
Oh, in case you're wondering, if Guido isn't available, we send Peter.

Re: Over before it even started

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:35 am
by ScoobyDoo82
Oh darn, I guess I should stay then. lol :muhaha: