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Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:07 am
by ihatemybike
So once again I'm daydreaming. I recently read an article about someone breaking the record time for a coast-to-coast drive. It got me thinking that some sort of coast-to-coast thing would be cool. However I don't see shooting for any record times, just not to fond of tickets.

So what could be done, that I haven't heard of yet? Coast-to-coast non-stop. No stopping for food, gas, restrooms, anything beyond traffic lights and stop signs. 2800 miles and GMaps estimated 41 hours.

My calculations using Green as the base vehicle show that it would take 155 gallons of gas to make the trip. I'm thinking three drivers to keep the current driver rested, a cooler for food, and a portable toilet of some sort.

The cooler and toilet are pretty easy to figure out, but the additional 150 gallons (20 in reserve) is a little trickier. Right now I'm thinking five 32 gallon fuels cells centrally mounted in the interior of the van, but I still would have to figure out a way to integrate that into the fuel system.

Fuel $190/$680/$450 To NY/NY to CA/CA home
Fuel cells $150 x 5 = $750
Portable toilet $75
Wirng and Hoses $100?
Total $2245, yeash

The fuel cells can be sold afterwards which makes it a little better, I wonder if I could find sponsers for such a feat?

Hello Monster Energy, want to help me waste a bunch of fuel?

Re: Coast-to-coast

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:25 am
by Rebel
I wonder if I could find sponsers for such a feat?

Don't know about a sponser but as for a driver,,you might try that female astronaut that wore diapers so she wouldn't have to make any stops while driving cross country. Think she was going after her X's girlfriend or something strange like that. :-k

Re: Coast-to-coast

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:43 pm
by trybe13
Rebel wrote:
I wonder if I could find sponsers for such a feat?

Don't know about a sponser but as for a driver,,you might try that female astronaut that wore diapers so she wouldn't have to make any stops while driving cross country. Think she was going after her X's girlfriend or something strange like that. :-k
:muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha:

Re: Coast-to-coast

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:11 pm
by astrozam
Tell you what, I'll donate the portable toilet (brand new, well not brand new ,just never used ) IF in fact you put this together.

Re: Coast-to-coast

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:24 pm
by Jim in Indy
I dunno about coast to coast, but in the spring of '83, I went from K.I. Sawyer AFB, (U.P. of Michigan), to Mather AFB, (Sacramento, CA), in just under 30 hours, and that's allowing for the different time zones. That was right at 1775 miles in a 1982 Toyota Supra. Got busted in Wyoming when I blew past a cop.... my military ID & copy of my TDY orders confirmed to him that I was going to a place that had just 'broke' a B-52... he didn't say anything but "be safe".

Coffee, gas, pit stops, a couple bags of Twizzlers.