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Timing out

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:37 pm
by trybe13
Is there anything that can be done about being timed out here? If I am in the middle of a post and don't get back to what I'm working on for several hours, I have to log back in and all my info is gone. I have to start rebuilding the post.
I hear some saying already, "well why are you taking that long to work on something?" I work from home on my computer, and if I get busy with work while I am "working" here I should have the option to let the post hang out until I get back to it, right? I was working on posting pics for my signal mirror install and was only about halfway through with the write up when I had to attend some work issues. When I came back to the post I had to log back in and all the info was gone!! :toimonster:
Justice, Zam!! Help!!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:55 pm
by justice
it may be a cookie issue on your side Trybe depending on how you have your security levels set. But if you close your browser for some reason during a post you will lose everything you have written.

I would suggest that if you have to stop in the middle of a long post, make a note that the post is incomplete and post it. Then you can come back and edit it later.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:06 pm
by Ali-V8famvan
Justice James (V8famvan) has had a similar issue when doing a salvage from A.S. he was going back and forth and it timed out and he lost the whole post.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:24 pm
by trybe13
Ok. Thanks Justice. Hey James, sorry to hear that. Hope you hadn't gotten to far into it.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:11 am
by astrozam
I also found this info in the FAQ...

Why do I get logged off automatically?
If you do not check the Log me in automatically box when you log in, the board will only keep you logged in for a preset time. This prevents misuse of your account by anyone else. To stay logged in, check the box during login. This is not recommended if you access the board from a shared computer, e.g. library, internet cafe, university cluster, etc.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:15 am
by justice
Good info Zam, that should help as well.

I also increased the session time from 1 hour to 3 on the board.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:54 am
by trybe13
Thanks once again to the administration of this wonderful place. Pretty cool that you two fellas address the needs of the community with a quickness!! =D> Thanks again Zam and Justice!! \:D/

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 3:58 am
by peter
Why do I have to keep logging in everytime I access the site? I tick the box marked "Log me in automatically" but I still have to do it all over again the next time I log on.
Someone out there's gonna get a bill for all my lost time..... :-({|=

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:13 am
by mdmead
peter wrote:Why do I have to keep logging in everytime I access the site? I tick the box marked "Log me in automatically" but I still have to do it all over again the next time I log on.
Someone out there's gonna get a bill for all my lost time..... :-({|=

Take the HINT Petey!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:20 am
by astrozam
peter wrote:Why do I have to keep logging in everytime I access the site? I tick the box marked "Log me in automatically" but I still have to do it all over again the next time I log on.
Someone out there's gonna get a bill for all my lost time..... :-({|=
Dear Peter, I have the same problem at work ( shared comp using IE) never at home using Firefox,
what browser are you using, IE or Mozilla Firefox or AOL ( Loser, lol ) once we know what your using then we will be able to help you a little more.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:26 pm
by peter
What "browser" am I using? What are you, retarded? I don't browse anymore. I'm a happily-emotionally engaged individual, my "browsing" days are over....
Seriously, I have't a clue. I can tell you that it says "Dell" on the front of the computer......:rolleyes:

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:40 pm
by justice
Peter, you may need to delete all the cookies that have been set by this site and the previous site.

I was having an issue with not seeing the new posts correctly and logins right after setting up the site on the new host. I had to go into my temporary internet files and delete all cookies that were related to and .net, plus any that were set by Once I did that, i'm not getting logged out and I see the new posts correctly.