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'86 Service Manual Wiring Diagrams - A long time coming

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:49 pm
by mazade
I started to work on these scans and graphics assemblies something like a year ago... If I'm not allowed to call myself FREAKING SLOW, then I don't know if anyone should be allowed that title.
They start at 6000 x 2000 pixels and go on up from there, I wanted to make sure that most every detail of them was readable.. to the best of my ability. The file sizes range from 500k up to 2MB. They are basic JPG's. If you are having a difficult time viewing these(after you save them to your computer), due to size and trying to navigate something like this, I suggest you pick up Irfan View
Well here they are, finally, the fold out wiring/electrical diagram pages from the GM 1986 Service Manual.
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Interesting. For what it's worth my K-Meleon browser seems to view them very well too..
The files are being hosted on my/our website( on my friends server

Re: '86 Service Manual Wiring Diagrams - A long time coming

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:33 pm
by SafariRob
And thank you, Mazade, for all the work involved in scanning and posting the wiring diagrams. Consider these added to my collection of GM schematics! =D>