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Flat black paint. Can't find it anywhere!

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:39 pm
by DonnieDarko
I know I'm just looking at the wrong places. I tried looking for both flat and matte black but I can't find anything except gloss this and jet gloss black and this and that.

I have my eye on an Astro that is black (1992 ... did they come stock black like that?) but needs a repainting. I'm a fan of older rat rods and figure it'd look good ... and if not I can always chalk it up as vans don't look good flat black and repaint it gloss black. :p (Reason keeping it black = no need to paint door jams and such ... )

Aren't many paint shops around here so I'm stuck to buying online seeing as nothing local has flat/matte black.

Re: Flat black paint. Can't find it anywhere!

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:50 pm
by CaptSquid

Re: Flat black paint. Can't find it anywhere!

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:53 pm
by DonnieDarko
Thanks, but that's one of the first things I did. Out of those 6 (there really is ten, but it has Keystone listed three times and my uncle works for Monroe Hardware and assures me they don't even stock car paint), two didn't know what "flat/matte black" was ( #-o ), and the rest told me they didn't.

Keystone said they don't keep it in stock but could order it, they tried to see who they could order it from, and they couldn't find it in any of their manufacturer catalogs. :cry:

You know of any online places that would have it?

Re: Flat black paint. Can't find it anywhere!

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:33 pm
by CaptSquid
Out of all those pages, you couldn't find even one? Just peachy. Try explaining to the "Einsteins" that flat/matte black paint is black that isn't glossy, unless they don't understand glossy.

Other than that, I'm stumped. -- On further thought, try contacting PPG directly. They make automotive paints.

Re: Flat black paint. Can't find it anywhere!

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:40 pm
by 77bc
Use PPG DP 90 primer, or add a flattening agent, like DX265 to your paint. ... _Agent.pdf

Re: Flat black paint. Can't find it anywhere!

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:45 pm
by TheChopFather
the paint stores around here just add a flattening agent into the gloss paint....

Re: Flat black paint. Can't find it anywhere!

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:15 pm
by DonnieDarko
So a flattening agent + whatever gloss paint I buy = flat/matte whatever?

Sounds good :D

Re: Flat black paint. Can't find it anywhere!

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:45 pm
by 77bc
if you want a base/clear, you can use Dupont HotHues ... ER3833.pdf

Re: Flat black paint. Can't find it anywhere!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:43 am
by crash
i've mixed a few flat blacks for customers around here for some old 50's rat rods. let me do some digging through my notes and see if I can find the formula I used.

Re: Flat black paint. Can't find it anywhere!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:52 am
by crash
found it..

ok.. we use sherwin-williams automotive .. so either find a sherwin shop or get your paint supplier to cross the formula and flattener.

this formula is per quart (quart = 1.0)

5B - 1738-A
4th Dimension B/C


when doing this mix they will have to change the mix amount to .8 of a quart before starting their scale, that will adjust the nubers above.

then flattener is added to the top of the quart mixing can. so, add flattener accordingly depending on how much they are mixing. oviously, only mix the base.. and don't clear it.. LOL

the flattener is ULTRA System Exterior Flattening Base from the SW Ultra7000 line, product # T1F271
it is used to make up the other .2 of per quart.

now this is a custom black satin that I came up with for a customer after several attempts to get the satin finish he was looking for... so I named it 'Doo Wop Black' .. LOL. don't ask...

failing that, there also a product called Sunfire Black ... 71&cat=159

it is a semi flat black... but may have a bit too much gloss to it. it's used by one of our resto-rod customers to do more a sealing of areas hidden by other body parts such as lights or grill or whatever....

all this being said... I'd strongly recommend getting as small an amount as you can and test spray to ensure it's exactly what you are looking for. everyones taste and opinion of 'flat' is totally different...

and again... failing everything above... buy a 12 pack of black BBQ paint rattle cans and go nuts.. :D