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Has anyone done one of these...

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:13 pm
by pengyou
by yourself? ... topsCA.htm

It looks kind of scary - to cut the top of your van off is, to me, as scary as cutting the top of my head off.

Does anyone have any idea how many mpg you will loose with the added resistance? I have been googling for some time and keeping an eye out for a conversion in a local wrecking yard but have not had any success yet.

Re: Has anyone done one of these...

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:09 am
by dunedog
I don't think you would be that affected in loss of MPG.....maybe a mpg if that.

On removing a top from an existing van : I looked at doing this and the tops seem to be attached by means of a hot glue process.