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Crime doesn't pay.....

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:08 pm
by GEJ
Woman, 70, whacks intruder in head with sauce pan

ELYRIA, Ohio – The 70-year-old wife of an Ohio judge said teens who tried to rob her made her so angry that she whacked one in the head with a sauce pan. Ellen Basinski said she was on the phone with her husband Tuesday when four boys pushed their way into her home in Elyria, west of Cleveland.

Lorain County Judge David Basinski overheard the scuffle and raced home, while his wife grabbed her favorite pan to defend herself against the intruders rifling through her purse and cabinets.

One of the teens told police he threw a bottle of whiskey at Basinski to distract her so another boy could flee. They ran from the house but were later caught and charged with aggravated burglary.

The judge said his wife is upset that police took the pan as evidence.

Ahhhhhhhhh-sweet justice :muhaha:

Re: Crime doesn't pay.....

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:20 am
by Hotroder383
In my humble opinion she should have shot one or two of them. Hell all four far as I care, might make the next set of kids or adults for that matter think twice before breaking into some ones home.

Re: Crime doesn't pay.....

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:39 pm
by 9dawgs
I watched the "Worlds Dumbest Criminals" on TV last night. It was hilarious! My favorite was this dude who decided to rob a beauty school full of black ladies. One of them tripped him up and when he fell to the floor the others beat the crap out of him with sticks, brooms or whatever they had handy. The cops had to call an ambulance to haul him out of there on a stretcher! Ha! I almost fell off the couch I was laughing so hard! :muhaha: