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a little slow

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:58 pm
by chemist
Is it just me or are things getting a little slow in here? How many of us are taking advantage of that cash for clunkers deal? How many have traded Astros or Safaris under this program?

Re: a little slow

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:11 pm
by Smiliesafari
No cash for clunkers here. My Safari ain't goin' nowhere. Except to Albuquerque in October. \:D/

Re: a little slow

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:35 pm
by SoCalli V8
I will Never trade-in my `86 V8 Astro or my `87 Merkur XR4TI for ANY new car, that comes with years of payments....

I love to drive something different.... rather than all the Mercedes, Beamers, Lex' ass, `Finiti wankers in my town, because they all look the same, with No individuality at all.

And I give the "Devil-horn Rock-Salute" to anyone driving a monster 4by or any muscle car, as we pass.... respect.

Re: a little slow

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:52 am
by Drooler
Was at my Saturn dealer having my Vue serviced ( oil chg & 15K checkup - not bad for a 2007 VUE) and saw a 95 or newer Astro - looked good inside - good tires and good paint marked CLUNKER - sad it looked better than mine does - also saw 2 VUE's for sale - both were NEW 2008's - go figure. Sad to say yea I would trade the Astro with the clunker deal - its just getting too much for me with the badling leaking rear doors bad paint - I swear it is the worst looking thing in work parking lot - no AC & all the rattles & noise and now the exhaust is starting to get noisy. BUT it is the old story - no cash to make monthly payments and increased insurance and the wife is retiring in 6 months so that makes for less cash too. So I'll just patch and drive as long as I can. Transmission seems to be good and it still only uses 1 quart of oil between 3K miles changes so I guess I'm lucky there and should not complain. Time to close the rambling reply to all :cheers:

Re: a little slow

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:27 am
by Cobra
i'll never trade my van since there is no vehicle i've seen in the wolrd that has everything i want i'll just have to build it myself :supz:

i'd post more but i'm not good at takeing pictures while working on the van or making tutorials

Re: a little slow

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:49 pm
by 89AstroDan
My van is no clunker so she doesn't qualify. She's my true soul mate. :heart: Hell, we're on our second wife together.

Re: a little slow

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:48 pm
by Cobra
89AstroDan wrote: we're on our second wife together.

lol that's a good one I like it :cheers: