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Centralia PA

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:28 pm
by Cobra
so has anyone been here it's on my list of places to visit any tips or gear i may need

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:49 pm
by stomp13
Last I heard, there's still a NAPA open in town. And a handful of people still live in town. Now there are rumors that the town next to (about 2miles) Centralia, Asland is going to have the same problem as the fire keeps spending!

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:49 pm
by lockdoc
I'm about 55 miles away. Never been there though. If you do show up there for some reason let me know. I'll meet up with you. Can't imagine why you would want to go to a town that council burned up and destroyed. There is nothing there anymore!

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:09 am
by Cobra
i see nothing wrong with checkin' out a ghost town... that has a napa...? even though it's 300 miles from me. I stumbled across an article from 2006 on the town i'm curious how it's changed in the last 3 years plus it would give me another cool life story to tell :whistle: . There is another town in canada i wanna check out but i can't remember the name (maybe zam knows) it's an island that the governmnt shut down wasn't worth the cost to supply food, power and water. They bought all the land and relocated all the people that were willing to move i was searching google for 3 hours in an attempt to locate that abandon city but no luck.

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:01 am
by stomp13
I was digging around on the internet about Centralia. I found some pic's posted on a "mine fire" web-site (who new?). The pic's were taken in 2007, it showed some people, some still lived in homes, etc. But saddly nothing about the NAPA :D

My bro-in-law went there about 3years ago. He said it was wild.

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:51 pm
by Archiev
If you go to youtube the y have a lot of videos about it.

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:13 am
by Cobra
hmmm haven't checked out youtube yet will when i get home tho

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:43 am
by astrozam
Can't remember the name of that place you were thinking of that you thought was in Canada Pierre,sorry.

I've always enjoyed my trips to PA, but there is a certain strangeness about the place things seem to be done differently there,lol not saying its a bad place don't get me wrong. Check out the abandoned section of the PA turnpike for more PA strangeness :D ... index.html

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:01 am
by Cobra
hmmm i'm really going to have to check out PA one day.

my co-worker found the article orginally but she can't remember the name of the island either lol all we can remember is it was in canada somewhere can't even rememebr the damn province. oh well

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:34 am
by scarecrow
i have been to Centralia many times i am about 90 mins away. the town has changed alot through the years. with the exception of a couple houses there is not much left. once a house or building becomes empty it is torn down. they had a problem years ago with hobos living in all the empty houses. all the roads are still there some are very over grown. it is a popular area for off roaders , atv`s and mountain bikers. there are alot of trails in that area you can drive around on and you can easily get lost. also make sure you have a spare tire there is alot of glass and trash.....i think the coolest thing about the place are the Cemeterys. i think there are 3 of em and there are rock walls about 3 foot high surronding em now centralia is full of dead brush , grass and trees. except the cemeterys. flowers and green grass is all you see within the rock walls kinda makes you think a should also know the ground is unstable and areas can collaps so watch where you drive. i have never had a problem and i have never heard of it happening but if the ground below you was a coal mine and there has been a coal fire burning out of control for 50 years or so you do the math.....

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:40 am
by potskie
Cobra wrote:hmmm i'm really going to have to check out PA one day.

my co-worker found the article orginally but she can't remember the name of the island either lol all we can remember is it was in canada somewhere can't even rememebr the damn province. oh well
Partridge Island?
Hershel Island?

I think you may enjoy this link... ... _in_Canada

You into urban exploration?

I've been into a few abandoned places creepy/awesome all at once :yawinkle:

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:05 am
by Cobra
when i was in tokyo i was told there are some amazing things under the city (never got to see any sadly) but after that i guess i started getting intrested in the things people don't see normally (like abandon city/town/factories and the undedground infastructure in cities). the abandon stuff at least i can check out but the underground stuff i have no idea how to get access to (oneday maybe) also found some cool books online i wanna pick up about this kind of thing in japan from the pictures i've seen of the book absolutly amazing.

sadly those aren't the island i'm looking for but i going to go through everything on that wiki maybe it will be there. the reason i'm intrested in this perticular island seems to be on a different level then the cool/creep stuff though

Edit:my co-worker that found the article the first time believe they mentioned the island was either sinking or eroding. one of the reason why the relocated everyone except some stubburn old guy

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:50 am
by potskie
Your not thinking of sheeks island are you?

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:23 pm
by Cobra
i think i've heard of that before but still not the place i'm looking for. where are you finding all these random places lol i did just find an intresting article about vancover island also a number of abandon places there and i was surprised at how many places in ontario are abandon (time to go exploring :D )

edit: ok i give up for taday i'll start fresh again another day

Re: Centralia PA

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:52 pm
by potskie
Cobra wrote:i think i've heard of that before but still not the place i'm looking for. where are you finding all these random places lol i did just find an intresting article about vancover island also a number of abandon places there and i was surprised at how many places in ontario are abandon (time to go exploring :D )

edit: ok i give up for taday i'll start fresh again another day
Google and wikipedia my friend..