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Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:54 pm
by astronut74
68 years ago today Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. For some reason this single piece of history sticks out in my mind. More specifically the USS Arizona. Ever since I was a kid in elementary school (maybe 3rd grade) I've remembered Dec. 7th, and I try to make a point to not let people forget it... This is me, reminding you, not to forget, and to not forget the 1,177 Sailors and Marines that died on the Arizona that day.

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:25 pm
by Rebel
:usa: :usa: All flags should have flown at half mast,,,did not see one today. Sad sad,,,I'm ashamed of my country and the direction it's headed.

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:46 am
by astronut74
I completely agree Larry. Not one flown at half mast here either. I remember as a kid growing up, our neighbor had a flag pole in his front yard. Every morning he brought the flag up, every evening he took it down. It was flown at half mast when the situation warranted it. Almost every house on our street had flags flying every memorial and veterans day, July 4th as well.
Sure, people remember September 11th, that was relatively recent.. You saw a little bit of Pride in America after that, but how long did it last? Should it take an act of terrorism to get people to have pride in their country? To honor those that have died for our freedom? ... r_embedded

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:59 am
by Smiliesafari
Sometimes it seems like real patriotism has been replaced with the "ME FIRST" attitude. My job, when I was in the Marine Corp, was to start the day with raising the colors :usa: and lowering them every evening. To this day I fly Old Glory every time I fly my balloon. Semper Fi. \:D/

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:38 am
by Cobra
i was actually thinking about it on the weekend and was talking about it yesterday none of us really knew much about it though. I'm in Canada and I remembered, I figured that would have been an event that wouldn't be forgotten easily

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:50 pm
by 6spd_monte
I didn't hear any mention of it on the news or radio at all. I actually checked Google's home page to see if they had done something creative with their logo to remember the day, but nothing. They had one today for the birthday of the guy who created Popeye, and they did a whole week for Sesame Street, but not for Pearl Harbor.

I was disappointed too.

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:01 pm
by astrozam
Have any of you guys seen the photos that were found in an old Brownie camera that were taken just as the attacks were occuring? I was sent these pics months back and because I had never seen them before I decided to keep the email. I will try to post the pics here tomorrow ( wed ) if I get the chance.

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:00 am
by SoCalli V8
My Grandfather was a surviving Fighter Pilot in England ...... And you have my Total Respect here in the USA, Because he flew many missions with American squadrons. (That were Based in England) He Always had the Greatest stories about the comradary with the American pilots and their crews. And he would tell me these stories as he was fixing World War 2 custom painted air-craft plastic models hanging from cotton strings from my bedroom ceiling......when I was a little kid.

I didn`t realize it at the time (because I was a young kid) But after his Passing.... these memories just blow me away....

He was just my Grand-Dad to me.... And these were stories from his flying days....

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:10 am
by SoCalli V8
He was based in Egypt, with a British and American squadron of aircraft.

I did see your "old brownie pictures" < they are Classic and Awesome !

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:51 am
by astrozam
Cool story about you're Grandad Darren, :cheers:

For those in this thread who did not recieve the email I will post it below as I recieved it...feel free to copy these pics, they are part of you're history.

If anyone wants the actual email I recieved then just send me you're email in a PM.

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:00 am
by astrozam

These photos are absolutely incredible....Read below the first picture and at the end...


Thought you might find these photos very interesting; what quality from 1941.
Pearl Harbor photos found in an old Brownie stored in a foot locker. and just recently
taken to be developed.


December 7th, 1941










more in next reply...

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:05 am
by astrozam






< BR>
Pearl Harbor

On Sunday, December 7th, 1941 the Japanese launched a surprise attack against the U.S. Forces stationed at Pearl Harbor , Hawaii By planning his attack on a Sunday, the Japanese commander Admiral Nagumo, hoped to catch the entire fleet in port. As luck would have it, the Aircraft Carriers and one of the Battleships were not in port. (The USS Enterprise was returning from Wake Island , where it had just delivered some aircraft. The USS Lexington was ferrying aircraft to Midway, and the USS Saratoga and USS Colorado were undergoing repairs in the United States ..)

In spite of the latest intelligence reports about the missing aircraft carriers (his most important targets), Admiral Nagumo decided to continue the attack with his force of six carriers and 423 aircraft. At a range of 230 miles north of Oahu , he launched the first wave of a two-wave attack. Beginning at 0600 hours his first wave consisted of 183 fighters and torpedo bombers which st ruck at the fleet in Pearl Harbor and the airfields in Hickam, Kaneohe and Ewa. The second strike, launched at 0715 hours, consisted of 167 aircraft, which again struck at the same targets.

At 075 3 hours the first wave consisting of 40 Nakajima B5N2 'Kate' torpedo bombers, 51 Aichi D3A1 'Val' dive bombers, 50 high altitude bombers and 43 Zeros struck airfields and Pearl Harbor Within the next hour, the second wave arrived and continued the attack.

One more reply...

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:07 am
by astrozam
When it was over, the U.S. Losses were:

US Army: 218 KIA, 364 WIA.
US Navy: 2,008 KIA, 710 WIA.
US MarineCorp: 109 KIA, 69 WIA.
Civilians: 68 KIA, 35 WIA.

TOTAL: 2,403 KIA, 1,178 WIA.

USS Arizona (BB-39) - total loss when a bomb hit her magazine.
USS Oklahoma (BB-37) - Total loss when she capsized and sunk in the harbor.
USS California (BB-4 4) - Sunk at her berth. Later raised and repaired.
USS West Virginia (BB-48) - Sunk at her berth. Later raised and repaired.
USS Nevada - (BB-36) Beached to prevent sinking. Later repaired.
USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) - Light damage.
USS Maryland (BB-46) - Light damage.
USS Tennessee (BB-43) Light damage.
USS Utah (AG-16) - (former battleship used as a target) - Sunk.
USS New Orleans (CA-32) - Light Damage..
USS San Francisco (CA-38) - Light Damage.
USS Detroit (CL-8) - Light Damage.
USS Raleigh (CL-7) - Heavily damaged but repaired.
USS Helena (CL-50) - Light Damage.
USS Honolulu (CL-48) - Light Damage..
-------------------------- -- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
USS Downes (DD-375) - Destroyed. Parts salvaged.
USS Cassin - (DD -3 7 2) Destroyed. Parts salvaged.
USS Shaw (DD-373) - Very heavy damage.
USS Helm (DD-388) - Light Damage.
USS Ogala (CM-4) - Sunk but later raised and repaired.
Seaplane Tender
USS Curtiss (AV-4) - Severely damaged but later repaired.
Repair Ship
USS Vestal (AR-4) - Severely damaged but later repaired.
Harbor Tug
USS Sotoyomo (YT-9) - Sunk but later raised and repaired.
188 Aircraft destroyed (92 USN and 92 U.S. Army Air Corps.)

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:13 am
by Mr Bean
I actually visited Hawaii last year and spent a day at Pearl Harbor. Visited the USS Arizona memorial too. Very moving. The ship is still leaking bubbles of oil to this day. Sobering to think that you are standing over the remains of thousands of brave young men your own age. Highly recommended... :usa:

Re: Remember Pearl Harbor please...

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:25 am
by Rebel
Thanks for posting these pics again Keith. So many have died and so many stories are untold. :usa: