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getting my other wheels back on the road..

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:36 pm
by justice
I have been getting the 2 wheel itch lately and my dad has been bugging me to get my bike running, and one of my friends just bought a 300cc scooter and wants to do some riding so.....

I pulled the Maxim out of the garadge and dusted her off, new plugs, new battery, drained the old gas and added some fresh gas, and changed the oil. The new battery was still charging and would not be ready today so i used my emergency jump started and fired her up for the first time in several years. Tomorrow after work the battery is going in and i'm taking a little ride!


Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:17 pm
by SafariRob
Gotta be a lot warmer there than it is here!
It's been snowing on and off all day here.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 8:00 pm
by Water Boy
I haven't seen an two-wheelers out here for a week. We've been setting record lows. It was 22* Easter morning at 5:30am.

Hey, Al Gore, global warming?

Last week, the two-wheelers were all over the place with recording highs in the 80's.

The biggest thing, on two-wheels, that I've every ridden was 50cc. Most people that I knew, growing up, who rode "bikes" had one leg shorter than the other. Not much encouragement for me back then.

The house that I just moved out of was the main road to the biker-bar up the street. Heard Hawgs day and night. It was worse on the weekends because of the "change-of-life" riders.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:35 am
by astrozam
Cool, Hav'nt seen that style in awhile,have fun

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 4:00 pm
That looks almost like my buddy's Kawasaki. Wished I had one! NICE!

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:40 pm
by justice
I just took her out for a spin last night for the first time in almost 4 years.

I was amazed at how well she ran after sitting so long with just a basic tune up. Went for about a 20 mile loop and she is running great, its had to believe the bike is 25 years old.

For those that are wondering, its a 1982 Yamaha XJ750J Maxim.

Best part beside being fun to ride is, 40mpg and insurance is only $76 a year! \:D/