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Father's Day

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:56 am
by 1Gary
Wanted to take a moment to wish all of you that are Fathers a happy father's day.

We have all heard of kids gone bad because of not having a father figure in their lives.You all should be very proud of the time and effort you put into your kids,because of the impact you have had on them for the rest of their lives.I have had some time to be around some of you and to see the kids interact with their dad.Just makes me want to smile and it's very good to have met you.

So congrats to you all for another yr of being dad or daddy. =D> =D>

Re: Father's Day

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:29 am
by JaxSPL
Thank you. My kid goes bad I'm gonna kick his butt. He's only 2yrs old though so I got plenty of time. He's my pride and joy.

Re: Father's Day

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:08 pm
by kings-x59
thank you thank you.
you reap what you sew. Discipline is not a four letter word. When the get to be taller than you, they should still have the fear of Dad in them. My son is an inch taller then me, 6'-3". As he was growing and getting close to my height, I reminded him that he may get bigger than me, but he'd never be meaner.

On a lighter note, I spent the afternoon playing x-box with my son, daughter and one of my step daughters. they all play cod-2 online. I got pwned to say the least, but had a great time nonetheless. The beautiful Mrs. kings-x59 is making meatloaf for dinner, and I got a new 26 gallon air compressor. I think I'll go inflate something.

Happy Father's day gents!

Re: Father's Day

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:32 pm
by T.Low
My buddy calls it "Dad Strength". He's 5'9" 165 and he married a big woman; his colloge age boys are 6'1 210 and 6'1 285. They know better than to test him.

My dad had a pretty crappy father (Grandma's bed was in the unfinished basement!) My dad made sure he had a better realtionship with his kids and he was (and is still) a damn good father. Had a great chat with him today.

On the topic of Father's Day, this is always a good story for the occasion. I'm sure many of you have seen it before. I usually break at the part with the kids playing street hockey and pushing him in the wheelchair with a hockey stick.

Re: Father's Day

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:20 pm
by astrozam
Amazing story, just shows what the will of the human spirit can accomplish when it refuses to say no!... thanks for posting that story and vid Tom, I had never seen it before and it's doubtlful I'll ever forget it :cheers: