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Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:45 am
by Lumpy
Owners / Moderators -
If you feel it necessary to remove ANY of my posts,
then remove ALL of my posts.

ALL of them.

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke
5526 E Pershing Ave
Scottsdale AZ 85254-3632

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:04 am
by astrozam
The whole reason we have Moderators and Admins is to moderate the Forum. When threads get way off topic (as the thread in question) then its time to clean it up.

This isn't a case of being censored, everyone was told that once you had responded to Deans question that the thread would be cleaned up, it wasn't just YOU'RE posts which were deleted, it was ANY post that was not a direct repsonse to welcoming the new member, heck I even left in you're query asking about lift kits, and you still bitch! wtf?

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:47 am
by astroturf
I would rather wade through a topic full of member input. Than read your potty mouth Zam. This is not the first time. Perhaps your censorship should start there.

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:25 pm
by mdmead
Oh the drama of it all!

The new owner of Overlands come on and introduces himself and a couple of members basically trash him for no reason. Wow, some welcome!

And then they complain when an admin wants to clean up the thread?

Who needs to watch soap operas? This is much more entertaining! :muhaha:

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:13 pm
by Lumpy
astrozam wrote: ...This isn't a case of being censored...
I don't care what it's "a case of".

Please remove EVERY post I've ever made to this forum.

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke
5526 E Pershing Ave
Scottsdale AZ 85254-3632

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:11 pm
by lockdoc
I was ashamed as a member ASV at some of the posts in the OLV thread. Now I'm just plain embarrassed at this one. And what the heck is with posting your name and address Lumpy? You want some cookies sent or something? I don't get it.

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:17 pm
by LiftedAWDAstro
As an Admin and Moderator, it is our JOB to clean the threads up. When we started ASV, we stated from the BEGINNING that threads would be cleaned up, moved and/or deleted as the moderators or admins saw fit.

Lumpy and astroturf,

You guys were not here when this forum started and have NOT put any effort or work into the maintenance or upkeep of this forum. When you start putting in the hours cleaning up the threads and forums so that we have a clean thread flow going on, then you can say what can and will be done in the day to day running of this site. We have always said we wanted the BEST place for Astro and Safari enthusiasts to come and feel welcome, at home and find the info they are looking for. We have that. We also, on occasion, have to clean up, delete and move threads. If it bothers you, go elsewhere for the info...oh can't as there is no other site with the wealth of knowledge we have here.

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:43 pm
by astroturf
LiftedAWDAstro wrote:Lumpy and astroturf,

You guys were not here when this forum started and have NOT put any effort or work into the maintenance or upkeep of this forum.
Now hold on Partner. Have a look here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=368&p=63945#p63945
I have put effort into this site. That is why I have the Gold ASV Supporter Van, Right?
LiftedAWDAstro wrote:When you start putting in the hours cleaning up the threads and forums so that we have a clean thread flow going on, then you can say what can and will be done in the day to day running of this site.
I have not been asked to do anything more than what I have already done.
LiftedAWDAstro wrote:We have always said we wanted the BEST place for Astro and Safari enthusiasts to come and feel welcome, at home and find the info they are looking for. We have that. We also, on occasion, have to clean up, delete and move threads.
I don't have a problem with that. It is your football so to speak. Do with it as you will.
LiftedAWDAstro wrote:If it bothers you, go elsewhere for the info...oh can't as there is no other site with the wealth of knowledge we have here.
It doesn't bother me. You will do what you want to do. I have a problem with the potty mouth of zam. Did you read my post? As far as finding info elsewhere? Why would I want to go elsewhere? I like it here, Except when my Daughter comes to me and asks Daddy what does Bitch & WTF mean?
Not too family friendly is it? That's my BEEF(Period).

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:02 pm
by astrozam
Jim, why did you feel the need to even jump into this thread?

Lumpy made his statement, I answered it, no need for you to jump in at all.

Lumpy, if you want to take you're ball and go home thats fine ( You're not the 1st to go this route, and to be honest its not worth my time dealing with disgruntled people who get bent out of shape because some of their posts get deleted )
Thanks for contributing what you have to the site. However, you can't just expect that we are going to delete ALL of you're posts just because you have asked. After all, could you imagine Austin deleting all of the old archived threads on A.S just because WE ( the people who contributed the vast majority of the info ) had asked him to? fat chance of that happening...LOL, likewise in this case, we will keep what we feel may be of benefit and interest to the ASV community.

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:25 pm
by astroturf
Zam, Lifted, MdMead, and All Others...

If I am spoken to, or about, or there is a Thread that I am following, I will respond. If I read a Thread and I feel the need to input some thought I will do that too.

Why did I say anything here?
Because I see a pattern of potty mouth coming from the Mods. I don't have to say who it was. As grown men we should not have to put up with it or accept it. I don't like the potty mouth. Am I Wrong?
You tell me...


Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:05 pm
by mdmead
astroturf wrote: I don't like the potty mouth. Am I Wrong?
You tell me...

I guess we all have our tolerance levels.

I was raised around swearing. I spent 20 years working with guys who swear. I swear. (I try and keep it mostly in check on this site.) It's a non-issue for me. Besides, I look at this forum more as a bunch of guys hanging around out in the garage working on their vans and other projects. (And I can't imagine the language in that environment being pure.) :muhaha:

On the forums I frequent, I have a bigger problem with the negative attitudes I encounter. (Like guys who think it is a chore to resize pics.) :muhaha:

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:25 pm
by astroturf

Not sure I follow the resize pic joke?

Do you swear in front of your Daughter? Or would you allow your shop buddies to do the same?


Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:27 pm
by ihatemybike
Jeez, people.

Sometimes a thread needs cleaned. I'm sure I've had stuff edited, meh.

Relax it's a van forum, meant to spread van love. You will not agree with everything.

I will suggest that maybe a new policy be put in place. Maybe let people know that a thread is about to be cleaned to the benefit of those that have not been around as long and makes the site look better to the casual visitor.

Lumpy, please stick around I enjoy your posts.

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:06 pm
by T.Low
astrozam wrote:The whole reason we have Moderators and Admins is to moderate the Forum. When threads get way off topic (as the thread in question) then its time to clean it up.

This isn't a case of being censored, everyone was told that once you had responded to Deans question that the thread would be cleaned up, it wasn't just YOU'RE posts which were deleted, it was ANY post that was not a direct repsonse to welcoming the new member, heck I even left in you're query asking about lift kits, and you still bitch! wtf?

wtf?= why the face?

Lumps, whats the deal? You accused IrBear of being disingenuous but your reasoning was anorexic at best. I certainly didn't see anything; it just looked like a gross over reaction on your part. Dean and Zammer said they were going to clean up the thread, and I'm glad they did; like Locdoc siad, it was frikin embarrassing.

Now this. Dude, are things going ok? I'm stressed out more now than ever in my life...but don't let something like this get to ya. Take some time and think about it.

Re: Censor me - Remove me

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:16 pm
by astrozam
astroturf wrote:Zam, Lifted, MdMead, and All Others...

If I am spoken to, or about, or there is a Thread that I am following, I will respond. If I read a Thread and I feel the need to input some thought I will do that too.

Why did I say anything here?
Because I see a pattern of potty mouth coming from the Mods. I don't have to say who it was. As grown men we should not have to put up with it or accept it. I don't like the potty mouth. Am I Wrong?
You tell me...

Jim, Instead of thread-jacking all the time how about you let the people involved in the thread finish their discussion?? Its a little rude to keep interrupting don't you think? or do you only care about what YOU feel is right/wrong/ or annoying :-k

If you want to actually START a thread about what you deem as "potty mouth" then by all means pick the appropriate forum and have fun, but don't do it anymore in this thread, o.k