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Greetings from sweden!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:59 am
by micke73
Hi everyone!!

New to this forum and new to the GM family, i just bought my 1997 safari AWD but so far it rocks!!!! Really happy with my choice of car :) And i really lokk forward to lots of snow this winter, AWD testing :)

I have already found lots of help in this forum with some small problems, thank you all for that!!!
I will try to upload some pictures of my van soon. But computers are not really my thing :muhaha:

Anyone know what "custom craft vehicles" and "member of conversion vehicle manufacturer" stand for?? I have those stickers on my tailgate.

Best wishes Micke, from a rather cold sweden.

Re: Greetings from sweden!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:57 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
Welcome! Sounds like you have a conversion van. Custom Craft Vehicles is the builder of the conversion. They are a member of the conversion vehicle manufacturer association.