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My van is too quiet- can't hear sirens

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:26 am
by JTalley
A while back, I was driving down the road with all my windows up, I wasn't blasting music or anything, and ahead of me in the left lane was a truck. I couldn't see the other side of the road because of this truck. Next thing I know, traffic just goes nuts and people start swerving over. Seeing as I had no idea what was going on, I had to make an emergency swerve halfway off the road to keep from hitting all these people swerving around. I was in panic-mode. Suddenly, there was an ambulance sitting in the middle of the road with its lights and sirens on. I only faintly heard the sirens as I passed right by it, still recovering from the swerve.

I never saw or heard it, and I was paying attention. I was only going about 5 over the speed limit.

How do I make it so I can actually hear this stuff? Like I said, I was paying attention, wasn't blasting music or anything, I just had my windows rolled up.

Re: My van is too quiet- can't hear sirens

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:48 am
by ihatemybike
Typically they don't run the siren unless they are moving. Are you sure you didn't hear the siren of another on it's way to the scene after you passed. None of my vans have been able to kill that much outside noise.

Re: My van is too quiet- can't hear sirens

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:53 am
by JTalley
Nope, I'm sure it was the ambulance I passed, because after I went by I saw it turn onto another road. This happened another time as well- an emergency vehicle went by me with the siren on and I didn't hear it until it passed.

Re: My van is too quiet- can't hear sirens

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:16 am
by JaxSPL
It could be the newer sirens they're using. They are not as loud as a few years ago, for some reason. Down here the only thing you can hear, with windows rolled up, are firetrucks.
I've had quite a few cops, ambulances, and such come right up to the rear of my van, and can't hardly hear them EVEN with one window (passenger) rolled down. The sirens are just that low now. I guess we're supposed to be on the lookout for the lights. Talked to a few cops about it and they literally hate them, but they're cheaper so the city/state goes for them.

Just think about these people in the newer cars. Maybe this is one of the reasons there are problems with accidents. People can't hear car horns and such when they're windows are up.

Re: My van is too quiet- can't hear sirens

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:47 pm
by astroturf
How bout a Hearing Aid ???

Re: My van is too quiet- can't hear sirens

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:27 pm
by Kidhauler
:withstupid: x2. The van isn't that quiet

Re: My van is too quiet- can't hear sirens

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:19 pm
by JTalley
A hearing aid? You've gotta be kidding me. I've even asked my passenger if she heard it and she said no. Either my van is very good at cancelling noise, or the town is cheap and buys crummy sirens.