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Slow fill up of gas

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:00 pm
by Binky
Has anyone experienced slow fill up of the gas tank. For some reason when I fill up the fuel nozzle at the pump clicks off so I have to fill real slow to fill the tank. This is on a 2002 Astro.

Thanks Chris :canuk:

Re: Slow fill up of gas

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:37 pm
by astroturf
They can be difficult...

But, If it's any consolation, You get more gas when you fill slowly.


Re: Slow fill up of gas

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:03 pm
by MountainManJoe
Yep. I always have to tell the attendant to pull the nozzle out a bit. Then it flows better and you can pump it full speed.

Re: Slow fill up of gas

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:40 pm
by HPbyStan
There have been at least 3 redesigns of the filler neck, non of which have been a total cure. If we didn't have the US government designing the dia of the inlet it would be a lot easier to fill the tank. Also in the USA states that allow self service, they have to set the pump speed too high to make sure it will shut off when full so a flawed system like the Astros keeps shutting off almost all the time.

Re: Slow fill up of gas

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:31 am
by Binky
Well we to are self serve so I guess it is just the flaw of both systems and I will have to live with it. Maybe I can dig up my 95 and switch them over as never had this problem before.

Thanks for the responses.

Re: Slow fill up of gas

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:17 pm
by SnoDrtRider
Here in Jersey we are too dumb to pump our own so the pump jockey has to do it for you. The first time I had it filled and pulled away it was a 1/4 tank low )>)
I stopped a few miles later to top off because I wanted to check the fuel mileage and it took another TEN GALLONS!!!. When it was full the gauge read F plus a 1/4 :-s.
Not only do the fill slow but the gauge is a bit whacky.

Re: Slow fill up of gas

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:07 pm
by Binky
Yep I am in NJ alot as have family there and have had the same problem with fill ups. Also I love the wackey guage too, somedays just watch it drift to empty. Im sure that is a messed clutster but not going to fork out he money for one of those.

Re: Slow fill up of gas

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:17 pm
by safari kev
Binky wrote:Yep I am in NJ alot as have family there and have had the same problem with fill ups. Also I love the wackey guage too, somedays just watch it drift to empty. Im sure that is a messed clutster but not going to fork out he money for one of those.
nope its normal. sometimes I'll put it in drive and I'll be on empty when I know I had half a tank when I last drove (or I'll hit the brakes or go up hill and the tank will lose 1/4 tank). over time, it eventually corrects itself. mine is really only 1/3 full at 1/2 tank, and full is only 3/4 full. really full (like 25 + gallons full) is F + 1/4. I dont get it, but my 97 van did the exact same thing.