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Totally Obnoxious Individual

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:59 pm
by CaptSquid
As you may all well know, I am sentenced to the use of crutches and/or a power scooter. Since this sentence began, I have noticed that shoppers of a particular chain of retail establishments that begins with the letter "W" are completely oblivious to their fellow shoppers and surrounding environment.

I'm 6'2" (1.88m) tall, not exactly inconspicuous. Yet, people are so wrapped up in their shopping that they don't even see me! When I'm in the scooter, obviously, I'm shorter still and even less visible. Yesterday, while shopping, I was almost hit by two other shoppers whose heads were up and locked.

The end of my excursion was crowned by this individual who, for lack of a better term, was an anencephalic troglodyte. This fool had his cell phone glued to his head and was seeing nothing but what was straight ahead. He cut me off as I was exiting the store. I raised my voice and said, quite loudly, "Excuse me!" This caused him to interrupt his "very important" conversation and upset him greatly. I also told him that he should watch where he was going. He responded with a string of non-imaginative invectives, demonstrating his "quality" education and told me to mind my own "****ing" business. I can use those words, too, but my command is much better than his. He responded that I'd better be careful or he'd break my "other ****ing leg."

Do we really need people like this on this planet?

Re: Totally Obnoxious Individual

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:07 pm
by LiftedAWDAstro
CaptSquid wrote:Do we really need people like this on this planet?
Not at all! )>) Too bad their inbred parents probably made a few more just like it! :D

Of course you could turn it around too. I was in the same fine establishment in our town and almost got ran over by a very wide individual in one of the scooters when she decided to just back up to go down another aisle! Those things need mirrors...or the operator needs to look back. I just backed up and the person went down the aisle and I shook my head! [-( I bet their cars rear bumper is banged up too! :muhaha:

Re: Totally Obnoxious Individual

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:04 pm
by doyoulikeithere
Ever seen the movie called 'Idiocracy' ?
It explains this pretty well.

Re: Totally Obnoxious Individual

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:14 pm
by lockdoc
doyoulikeithere wrote:Ever seen the movie called 'Idiocracy' ?
It explains this pretty well.
Everybody has GOT to see that movie!

Re: Totally Obnoxious Individual

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:31 pm
by CaptSquid
LiftedAWDAstro wrote:
CaptSquid wrote:Do we really need people like this on this planet?
Not at all! )>) Too bad their inbred parents probably made a few more just like it! :D

Of course you could turn it around too. I was in the same fine establishment in our town and almost got ran over by a very wide individual in one of the scooters when she decided to just back up to go down another aisle! Those things need mirrors...or the operator needs to look back. I just backed up and the person went down the aisle and I shook my head! [-( I bet their cars rear bumper is banged up too! :muhaha:
Most of those "permit loads" don't need those scooters. They need to exercise a different set of muscles -0- the muscles that push them away from the feeding trough!

Re: Totally Obnoxious Individual

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:12 am
by JTalley
Many of the people that go to WalMart just seem to have some deep-seated hatred of everybody. I work there. There was a wreck in the parking lot, followed by a verbal fight, the police were called, etc. I get yelled at by the customers all the time because I'm a cart pusher and all our carts have been hit, and half of them have wobbly wheels. I rarely ever see any handicapped people park in the handicapped spots because people that aren't handicapped park there and I'm not allowed to do anything about it. We always see handicapped people waiting on the electric carts because all of them get taken by slightly overweight people and then hidden (I do mean hidden, they take them to the far side, put them behind cars and what not) out in the parking lot. I think the people in this world need a wake-up call.

Re: Totally Obnoxious Individual

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:26 pm
by doyoulikeithere
I think if I ever got so fat that I gotta ride a walmart scooter to get more groceries, I would just shoot myself in the head, just as soon as the commercials come on...