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steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:40 pm
by uncle-vinny
I had the unforunate experience on my 86 Safari of loosing the brakes due to a rotted steel brake line that broke. I now have a 88 Astro. I looked over the brake lines very closely. The two lines that are mounted to the rear axle housing that go to each rear brake were rusted so bad that the spring guard was rotted away. I already replaced these two and the rear hose. The rest of the lines have me undecided. Some have a light coating of rust but nothing like the two rear ones. Others near the engine that oil may have leaked on are still bright and shiny metal probably due to the oil that got on them. How about some advice? How much rust would you need to see on a steel brake line before you replaced it? I want to do what is safe but not do what is unnecessary.


Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:19 pm
by coolen
personally, i don't like to play with that kind of stuff. my van has to be in tip top shape all of the time. rust can give you "false information" if you rely on looking at it. if it were me, i'd replace em'.

not only for your safety, also for everyone else's. O:)

Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:56 pm
by skippy
the main rear brake line that goes from the filter back to the joint where the hose is usually goes bad right under the filler hole for the gas tank . every older astro i've ever had the line has gone bad in that spot , so have many others here . so if your looking to replace bad spots , thats where i'd look next .
my 85 my 2 88's my 90 & now my 92 have all had that line go bad .

Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:04 pm
by tim k
I agree my lines have gone bad by the gas tank also an I have blown brake lines while driving just a little scary but if you are questioning it I would replace it better safe then in a dich or in the back of the car in front of you

Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:27 am
by peter
When doing the swap on my 97' back in 2005, I decided to refurb the subframe at the same time. I was SHOCKED to see how fragile the steel brake lines snaking around the front crossmember were. In some case, simply lifting them up off the subframe would cause them to disintegrate.
If most people living/driving in the snowbelt (where they salt roads like I salt my french fries) had any idea how close to rupturing their brake lines were, they'd prolly start praying every time they hit the brakes!

Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:02 am
by SafariRob
Skippy is absolutely right about the brake line that's hidden by the gas tank--I've seen this one rust through on my 89 Safari and 89 Astro and I know it's waiting to go on my 88 Astro.
On both the Safari and the Astro, I dropped the tank and replaced the line. While I still feel that this is the right way to do the job, one person I know just snaked a new brake line over the top of the tank and plumbed it in. He called it good enough even though the line wasn't supported above the tank. That's a little too quick and dirty for my tastes, but it's worked fine on his Astro for several years.

Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:08 am
by peter
Yeah yeah...Skippy's great, ok? He's better than peanut butter & jelly, alright?
I'm sick of hearing about Skippy all the time. Skippy this, Skippy that :vom: :vom:


Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:34 am
by uncle-vinny
Thanks for the advice guys. I am a little surprised I started getting recent replies to this post since I posted it last August. I did take your advice very seriously. I went ahead and replaced the line that goes past the gas tank. I did not have the time to drop the tank. If I drop the tank I will replace the fuel pump and if I examine it and find rust or corrosion I would replace the entire tank. I chose to reroute the line over the top of the gas tank and back across to the fitting by the fuel filter. There are openings in the floor ribs for fuel and vapor lines. I ran it through those openings. I used brake line with spring wrap the entire way for extra protection. Any place I could move the new line I used tywraps and nylon cable clamps mounted with screws to the chassis to anchor it and prevent movement. Any place the line crossed a piece of metal that could possible rub against the tubing I used a piece of fuel line slit it length wise and put it on the metal edge and used it like a grommet. So far it is working good. I will check it in the spring. I am going to replace the rest of the lines in the van even if I have to do a few at a time. It is not worth the risk. I have a double flaring tool so it makes the job much easier.


Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:52 am
by potskie
skippy wrote:the main rear brake line that goes from the filter back to the joint where the hose is usually goes bad right under the filler hole for the gas tank . every older astro i've ever had the line has gone bad in that spot , so have many others here . so if your looking to replace bad spots , thats where i'd look next .
my 85 my 2 88's my 90 & now my 92 have all had that line go bad .
Every van I have ever seen has had this affliction. New or old. especially up here in the salt happy municipalities of canukistan. I think It has to do with moisture getting trapped between the tank and the body right there as all the other spot where the lines run is fairly open but that spot is so tight you have to drop the tank to run them through the stock location. Which is why all mine are now re routed and coated in polyurethane to prevent corrosion at all rub points and spots that could trap moisture.

Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:55 am
by potskie
peter wrote:Yeah yeah...Skippy's great, ok? He's better than peanut butter & jelly, alright?
I'm sick of hearing about Skippy all the time. Skippy this, Skippy that :vom: :vom:

Got a case of nerd girl jealousy peter?

Just cuz he's prettier and is part of the cheerleading squad doesn't make him any cooler than you. Just more popular!

Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:47 am
by SafariRob
Vinny, sounds like you did a good job on replacing the line--I don't think I'd have a worry with that installation. The guy I was talking about just shoved the line into place above the tank--no regard about how it was laying, what it was up against, or nothing.
I replaced the tank and fuel pickup assembly on my 89 after I dropped the tank for the brake line repair. The tank was a mess; road crud had accumulated on top of the tank and all surfaces were festering with flaking rust. The locking ring that holds in the sender assembly had nearly rusted through and the fuel piping coming out of the sender assembly was nearly gone due to rust. No way I was going to re-install that tank. I got a new tank at Autozone and the sender assembly at NAPA.
I coated everything on top of the tank with bearing grease thickly applied, like icing on a cake. I have no idea what might be sticking to the grease by now, but as long as the grease is still there I think all will be well. I thought about using paint, but I've never had any luck with it lasting in an area like that.
Oh, I also replaced the pump with a Delco unit while I had everything apart.

By the way, I seem to remember that this board was having some real speed problems back in August with its original hosting service, so there wasn't a lot of user traffic then.

Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:21 am
by uncle-vinny

I had a 1986 Safari before this Astro and had to replace the tank so I said the same thing. If I am not prepared with time or money to replace everything (if necessary) I did not want to touch it. By the way what kind of new tank did you get at Autozone? 17 gallon original or 27 gallon replacement? I could only find a replacement in 27 gallons. Chevy dealer is the only one I could find with a 17 gallon original. They wanted way too much money even with a discount. I went with the 27 gallon after market but had to buy new bottom and side plastic shields because of the physical difference between the two. I replaced the fuel pump and filter but my sending unit was OK. How did you do it? 17 or 27? Thanks


Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:57 am
by skippy
Yeah yeah...Skippy's great, ok? He's better than peanut butter & jelly, alright?
I'm sick of hearing about Skippy all the time. Skippy this, Skippy that :vom: :vom:
pretty scary when peter is jealous of ol' me !!!! seeing as how i don't have his rugged good looks , masculine body or no where near his money !!!

there ptey , ya feel better now ?????? :goodman: :goodman: :goodman:

:D :D :D :D :D

Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:02 am
by skippy
I had a 1986 Safari before this Astro and had to replace the tank so I said the same thing. If I am not prepared with time or money to replace everything (if necessary) I did not want to touch it. By the way what kind of new tank did you get at Autozone? 17 gallon original or 27 gallon replacement? I could only find a replacement in 27 gallons. Chevy dealer is the only one I could find with a 17 gallon original. They wanted way too much money even with a discount. I went with the 27 gallon after market but had to buy new bottom and side plastic shields because of the physical difference between the two. I replaced the fuel pump and filter but my sending unit was OK. How did you do it? 17 or 27? Thanks
yeah they haven't made the 17 gallon tank in years . the fact that you found one at the dealers is REAL lucky . even if thier prices are rediculous . i have a 17 gallon here that i got from dean when i replaced mine in my 88 , then the rust on my 88 got so bad that it was unsafe to drive so i stripped all the good parts from her & have them in storage in case i or someone here needs them .

Re: steel brake lines, when to replace?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:35 pm
by Jboy2
skippy wrote:the main rear brake line that goes from the filter back to the joint where the hose is usually goes bad right under the filler hole for the gas tank . every older astro i've ever had the line has gone bad in that spot .
You sir are now my enemy! :muhaha:

I read over this topic 2 days ago and decided to check my trucks lines. Then what happen's today with my mom's astro? Turns out this very line decide's to die on us when we were driving ](*,)