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Well we finally found it

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:14 pm
by 1Gary
It just shy of a yr when all the health issues reared it's ugly head. I fired my primary care doctor mainly because we didn't share the same goals. Yesterday I went threw a MRI of my spine. Actually I was in there for a very tough 2 hrs. I called the new primary care doctor because of sore tongue and they fit me in to see him.While there he tells me he has the results of the MRI.Pretty damm good the next day. We finally found it.The MRI shows the holes in my spine where the nerves branch off closing up and could explain the multi issues I have been living with. He gave me a name of a neural surgeon for a console.The surgeon can't see until march and the same for the pain clinic,but atleast I now know why.

So atleast we finally found it.

The second part of this post is do not accept doctors advise at face value.Second opinions matter.

Re: Well we finally found it

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:51 am
by astrozam
Its a start.....ever been to a Chiropracter?

Re: Well we finally found it

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:33 am
by Kidhauler
Geez holes in your spine that sounds kind of nasty. All these years and we thought it was just bubbles in the think tank :poke: . Glad your on the road to getting answers and some relief.

Hope you have a good Christmas Gary.

Re: Well we finally found it

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:47 pm
by NotDadsW41
That's good news! A the daughter of a co-worker was having all kinds headaches and other pain issues. They finally found out that the hole in her skull for the spine to go through wasn't big enough. They did surgery, well essentially to grind the hole bigger. And she's doing much better.

Prayers for you Gary that you find and receive a resolution!

Re: Well we finally found it

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:07 pm
by 1Gary
astrozam wrote:Its a start.....ever been to a Chiropracter?
In fact over the yrs I have.But in this case where the nerves branch off my spine the holes in my spine are closing up where the nerves run.If I lay flat for awhile that hurts,but the main issue is parts of my body going numb.This is a game changer.They thought I had shingles,(the left part of my chest going numb and spreading)nerve damage from diabetics in my hands and feet going numb and that is spreading.Now we are not so sure.The bad part is I don't know if it can be reversed.I got to wait to see the surgeon in March.The lost of feeling in my hands leaves me dropping things all the time and that is frustrating and ticking me off.I got to watch out for frost bite because I could get a serious case of that and not know it causing me to lose fingers.Same for my toes and feet.

Then after seeing the doctor,I have to asses the risks.