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by tyrone27
Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:45 pm
Forum: Engine
Topic: 98 safari 4.3 stall and no start
Replies: 4
Views: 2207

Re: 98 safari 4.3 stall and no start

OK a technician told me it might be the ignition module under the distributor took it off and I don't have one all I see is the hall sensor. But I replaced the module right next to the coil. And it worked for two days then acted up again. But I was told by the Guy that said injector module that I ha...
by tyrone27
Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:41 am
Forum: Engine
Topic: 98 safari 4.3 stall and no start
Replies: 4
Views: 2207

Re: 98 safari 4.3 stall and no start

going to retest fuel pressure today. cap and rotor are new. and i was getting good spark off the coil and distributor.
by tyrone27
Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:58 pm
Forum: Engine
Topic: 98 safari 4.3 stall and no start
Replies: 4
Views: 2207

98 safari 4.3 stall and no start

hi I have a 98 GMC safari and I have a problem with the van. When its hot outside after driving for 20 30 mins it will start stumbling bad and stall out. when i try to restart it its just cranks and won't start. I have to let it sit for 20-30 mins and it will fire back up and drive then do it all ov...