You will notice that there is no advertising or sponsorship on this website. Just nice, clean, distraction-free van goodness. And we don't have to pander to advertisers. This is because ASV has always been member supported. Donations go 100% towards operating costs, which include hosting all the forums posts and photos on the internet, and our 3 domains names.
Captn. Crunch has generously funded the lion's share of our first year. I donate my free time to building and maintaining everything that you see. The other mods and admins also volunteer their time to answer questions.
Supporters of the forum can be recognized by the gold van badge:

If you feel like you have benefited from ASV and wish to help keep it going by giving something back, you can. Donations can be made at any time, and by any amount. Please send a private message to either myself or Captn. Crunch, and let us know which method you prefer.
Thank you!