I am looking to add another couple accessories to the front of the engine and am wanting to run them off the existing crank pulley by adding another serpentine pulley. Anyone have info on such a beast? I am going to call March Pulleys to see what they have. My goal is to keep all the accessories that are currently on the van in their stock locations and add another alternator for an OBW (on board welder) and add an aux hydraulic pump for the winch and snow plow. Any other ideas would be awesome too. These are going to be a late fall to early spring project.
Something like this: (this one says for LS-1)

I am looking to run a small hydraulic pump for my winch and snowplow as well as run a second alternator to be used for an on board welder.
Onboard welder
Hot Rod Winch
The hydraulic pump I will be using is rated at 12.9 GPM @ 2500 PSI at a maximum of 3200 RPM's. For the alternator I will be using a spare Delco rated at 105 amps.
After calling March Performance Pulley's and inquiring about possible solutions, I was asked whether I had a short or long water pump!

I also have 2 manual spool valves, a series dual valve manifold and will be getting a pressure releif valve soon. Still need to figure out the electric clutch for the pump as well as fabbing up a reservoir tank and mounting brackets.