When I hooked up my trailer connector back in Sept to the Tahoe, I did a quicky crude install, no bracket so I just zipped tied it hanging under bumper. About 6 weeks ago, the brake controller came on when I let OFF the brakes. I read that it indicates a short somewhere. Well, the short was cause water was filling back of connector and corroding connections, suprised I didn't short out all my lights. I could only find a bracket in a connector kit, didn't want that so I decided to try to make my own. My coworker gave me a 220 ARC welder a while back, hooked it up, practiced on some scrap, and went at it.
I should have planned it a little better, hangs kind of low, but it looks decent and does the job.
Just need some more practice and and need to learn voltage settings and rods to use...wished it was a MIG though! Not too bad very first first welding experience, I'll get it down, my trailer needs some mods!
Here's bracket ready to be welded.....
After first pass, need to lower heat some and learned I need to V groove both sides more to get better penetration.
After some grinding, about ready to be painted
Finished product