he is definatly the only one with the stature to be a true captain.... but it could be the dude on the bottom leftcanadavan wrote:I say top row, second from the left.

he is definatly the only one with the stature to be a true captain.... but it could be the dude on the bottom leftcanadavan wrote:I say top row, second from the left.
He's sceered to fess up. The "MARINES" on this site will put a woopin on him.
SoCalli V8 wrote:Hey Squidley, did you ever sing and dance in a band called the Village People......?
uh....HA! I have figured out which sailor is you!
Actually this was a pretty big rocket crater where a VC 122MM hit near our helicopter squadron in Marble Mountain, near Da Nang 1968. The photographer missed the entire crater!! He did the best he could for a Squid! He was a Corpsman.....The one I took of him was perfect! LOL!Nice little hooch you got going there in SEA.