Anyone who has ever done a fuel pressure test on a TBI engine knows the trouble you go thru to connect up the fuel pressure gauge.
I came across this fuel filter while needing another repair item & thought some people might like to see or have this. Waaayyy better.
You can get this from various suppliers like NAPA or from
Part# FMSI #4261
Last edited by v8famvan on Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
James from B.C.
1992 Safari - R.I.P.
GM Grand Master Techncian
That's why I ran a gauge under the hood! As for that filter, the actron pressure gauge I have has a part to screw on at the injectors but it will also fit at the fuel filter as above that can be used again after you change out the filter. Don't they usaully suggest checking pressure on the return line?