Nice, very nice.
I see you like orange Very sharp.
I love music, but I don't play anything much more complicated than a maraca. We never could afford the piano lessons I always wanted. LOL
Like to sing though. I'm out of practice has only been 6 or 7 years lol.
03 "Pewter" Astro AWD stock
early 90s Astro currently under the knife
Here's part of my gear. Most of it is in storage. I don't have enough room in my studio for all of it. My wife wants me to sell some of it, but I get rid of NOTHING!!! LOL!
ds99 wrote:Trybe, the second from the left looks like Nubreed reincarnated into a guitar. =D>
That's funny you mention that. I have a Peavey telecaster style guitar (one of my main weapons) that was supposed to get a paint job to match NuBreed. The painter took to long to finish my ride. He got it done about 1 month before I was to move after 18 months of body work and paint!! It was supposed to only take 4 months. There was no way I was going to hand over my axe 1 month before I had to move! He might still be working on it!!!
justice wrote:7 string guitars? Trybe likes HEAVY music!
Is that an Ampeg rug??
Yeah, I own a few 7 stringers, but frown on them a little, because there was that whole period of guitar players not learning the instrument and playing all that one finger crap! The reason no one plays solos in rock music anymore is because they don't know how!!! But I digress. Good eye Justice, that's an Ampeg rug. Here's a pic of some of my other gear from when we first moved in here last year:
Of course my wife made me move that stuff as soon as the pic was taken. LOL!!
Man you guys have some nice stuff.... I will try to get a pic of our music room , we dont have any equipment that fancy but we are set up to rock out :-({|=