So what could be causing this problem?

Correct, No check engine light. and it doesnt have another other symptomskings-x59 wrote:No check engine light right?
My gut reaction is either not enough fuel or too much. Since it runs mint once it warms up, I'd say
it's flooding when cold. Smell any gas when this happens? You might try some fuel injector cleaner. Seafoam, works good, and many others work just as well. Your injectors may be on the way out. Try the cheap simple stuff first.
post any other symptoms you can think of. Another temperature related thing I can think of is the coolant temperature sensor, but I think that would set a code and light the SES light in the dash.
Well, i know the injectors have a nice spray pattern. So thats out of the question. Plus i know the fuel pressure is good because it does start everytime, it just stalls after 2-3 seconds of running. I do however think i found the problem! My oil pressure gauge reads no pressure when it sits for a few hours/overnight. So i switched the oil pressure switch outta my project van, and wouldnt ya know, it starts and run mint after sitting for a fewkings-x59 wrote:check your injectors to ensure a good spray pattern. Just turn the key to the on position, the fuel pump should cycle for 2 seconds and you should see a fine mist spray from the injectors. If you see dripping gas, the poppet in the injector is stuck.
Have you checked the fuel pressure? It sounds like the pressure is bleeding off overnight.
Hmm, i'll have to do thatsafariobsession wrote:Check the connector to the sensor too, just to be sure.