Moreforles wrote:I have about 10 lbs of deer (ground deer burger) in my freezer, I was told it was mixed with a small amount of sausage to make it taste better (putting some fat into some naturally lean meat....) I plan on getting together with my brother towards the end of the summer and cooking it.
Many of my relatives are hunters, and have ate deer meat many times, as well as more than a few other animals (squirrel, rabbit..etc) the best was when my cousins who lived in Louisiana, for quite some time, made more or less a pot roast with deer meat, (potatoes, carrots) and of course, cajun spices..... could eat that again anytime.... tasted as good or better than beef to me...
Most places, if you ask, they will allow you to keep some or all of the deer, but usually they would also want you to remove it too, (although as stated earlier, alot of the kills, if they are fresh/not mixed with pavement too much, one of the people who pick it up, already have plans for it, from keeping for themselves, or even sometimes donating the meat to feed the homeless...
if you got any names or cards from the officers, call and ask what they did with it, they might be getting it back from their butcher by now....
a meal or two for you inconvenience, not to mention the months or years, you lost of you life due to the scare.... have a cook out....(we need a grilling Smilie.....)
Best cook-out I have ever gone to was "The Willie May's Blues Band" cook out held once a yr.I is a B.O.B. and everyone brings a dish.Wille's brother shot a bear that yr and had bear steaks for the grill.That was some of the sweetest meat I have ever had.That was the first dish to be eaten up by everyone.Man that was good.
Now if I could only talk Peter into getting a bear and bringing bear steaks to a NECO,that would be very cool.