electric grimlin

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electric grimlin

Post by 92astro »

ok i have a little issue my temp. guage will be on the 1/4 mark when i start the van in the morning and might stay there untill i shut it off then restart it will read 1/2 mark then i shut it off again restart it will show cold it does this when the engine is at operating temp. or cold just seems like it is not reading right cause i got one of those rad caps with the temp. guage on it and when the stock gauge says 1/4 mark the engine is at 150 degrees and same as the 1/2 mark the rad one says 165 -170 the rad one watched it for a good 30 mmin while the engine was idling it slowly got up to operating temp. the engine does not ever overheat it runs good also my a/c blower sometimes will will shut off while it is in operation the compressor stays on the blowers comes right back on i think it is a bad connection other then that the a/c works great with very cold air. need help. this is a 1992 astro
bryan in oklahoma i have a 1992 chevy astro with 174,000 miles runs and drives very good with a couple of issues nothing major future mods: 350 smallblock v-8 simple and easy!!, tach, rims and others!!current mods:15%tinted windows
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Re: electric grimlin

Post by peter »

Prolly the gauge, but try swapping out the sender first. It's easier & cheaper to replace :yawinkle:
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