Probably didn't hear about this on Fox news did you?

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Probably didn't hear about this on Fox news did you?

Post by astrozam »

These days when something happens in the ex Soviet Union we in the west ( thanks to the net ) find out about it a little quicker then in the Chernobyl days.
What exactly happened to this Hydro electric plant the authorities are not saying, but its probably safe to assume that somebody messed up real bad... check it out ** some of the comments and /or links on the russian site may be considered NSFW!
Part 1 Original story
Part 2 Follow up story
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Re: Probably didn't hear about this on Fox news did you?

Post by potskie »

Isn't that the dam from Goldeneye?

Definitely looks like a generator let go and caused that mess. amazing what alot of electricity can do... The guy who owns the shop net to mine has seen and has had large gens and motors explode and get ripped from mounts and such from large surges and such.
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Re: Probably didn't hear about this on Fox news did you?

Post by NotDadsW41 »

Youch! Bad things happening there.

Didn't see it on CNN either though Zam:D
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Re: Probably didn't hear about this on Fox news did you?

Post by e7ats »

This is from the site.

And using Image
Hydro Sayano-Shushenskaya GES radial-axial type RO-230/833-0-677, designed to work in a range from 175 to 220 м 220 m . .
According to the results of tests conducted at the plant have already installed equipment, a turbine rated output of 640 MW with an estimated pressure of 194 метров 194 meters и КПД - 95,8% and efficiency - 95,8% is capable of without any reconstruction to develop capacity to 720 MW.

The special features of hydraulic turbine equipment include:
implementation impellers welded at the factory, with delivery to the construction site by water;

use of steel-reinforced concrete structure of the spiral chamber;

construction of the guide apparatus with individually-independent hydraulic servo of each blade.

Weighing 156 tons, containing 16 one piece blades [Impeller] made of stainless steel.

Created hydroturbine collective production association LMZ (lead designer VS Slyn'ko) with the participation of association Izhora Plant.

Turbines miss expense 358.5 m3 / s and spinning at a speed of 142.8 rpm. Water turbine guide vane consists of 20 profiled blades, made of stainless steel. For the first time in domestic practice for the guide vane actuator applied to individual: servo motors for each of the blades. The regulatory system is designed to pressure 63 MPa.

[Turbine office building GES] Water turbine shaft upper housing is fastened directly to the central rotor, which has its shaft. Wall thickness of the shaft -- 300 mm . . Guide bearing - segment with rubber inserts. Lubrication water.

The first two generators Sayano-Shushenskaya power plant put into operation with temporary workers wheels turbines capable of operating at low pressure, since the construction of buildings were built in stages. This has been the partial pressure of from 60 метров 60 meters , To generate electricity. This produced about 15 billion kilowatt-hours electricity.
It doesn't sound like that generator is spinning very fast. But with that much weight, there is no stopping it. I bet it took close to 5 minutes for that thing to finally stop spinning. I know the generators I work on (usually up to 3,600HP) take 15-30 seconds to stop once the fuel is shut off. And they are ants to the size of one of those monsters.

Also wikipedia has a write up on the accident.

I bet the KW cost has gone up a tad. :yellin:

A few years back Astrogurl and I visited the Niagara Hydro power dam. I recommend visiting it. It would give a little picture as to how the lay out of the dam is.

Thanks for bringing this up Zam. No, I didn't hear about it anywhere.
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Re: Probably didn't hear about this on Fox news did you?

Post by astrozam »

Thanks for the additional info PJ, the damage done to those massive pieces of steel and concrete is down right scary :supz:

Its not surprising that none of us hear about incidents like this thru traditional means, its not really the job of the news agencies to report the news as much as it is to keep us dumbed down. LOL
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Re: Probably didn't hear about this on Fox news did you?

Post by e7ats »

So true Zam.
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Re: Probably didn't hear about this on Fox news did you?

Post by Smiliesafari »

This accident was posted on the internet. I've been inside the Hoover dam a couple of times. It will boggle the mind. Rather amazing engineering. \:D/
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Re: Probably didn't hear about this on Fox news did you?

Post by relizabeth »

When will liberals realize they're fighting a losing battle attacking Fox News? The more they attack Fox News, the higher their ratings go. Rush Limbaugh misses the attacks as Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity enjoy more demonization from the left.

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Re: Probably didn't hear about this on Fox news did you?

Post by astrozam »

relizabeth wrote:When will liberals realize they're fighting a losing battle attacking Fox News? The more they attack Fox News, the higher their ratings go. Rush Limbaugh misses the attacks as Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity enjoy more demonization from the left.

I must admit its kinda funny to see someone dig this thread up and make a comment on it for there 1st post :-k

But anyways, the thread isn't attacking "Fox news" I could have put CNN or whoever in the title. The point is that it wasn't MAINSTREAM news reporting on it, thats all.

So welcome to ASV, tell us a little about you're van.
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