It was rather amazing the deck survived as long as it did. It was built back in the late 70s and not with pressure treated wood. It had been showing signs of rotting away for many years. Anyway, by March 08 it looked like this.

Over the summer of 08 I removed the old deck.

The goal was to rebuild it in 09. I've got about three weekends of part-time work into it. Back in July I did this.

On Labor Day weekend I put up the stringers and installed most of the decking. I thought I had some pics, but I can't find them. Here is top of the decking this past Saturday just before I got started.

This past weekend I installed the railings and the job is 98% done.

I say 98% done because I need one more deck board. This one is going to need to be custom ripped for the best fit. I'll buy the board this week and after it dries out, cut it for installation later this month.

This deck was important to rebuild as my daughter and I love to sleep out on it. The view of the stars is amazing. The old deck was 12'x6'. The new one is 12'x8'.