The engine has a cracked block and the oil and water have mixed and the crank shaft has failed and beyond repair, bores are scored and I need new pistons. Parts in the UK are expensive and the van is not in the very best condition. The engine is out and I have taken the decision to purchase a second hand engine. (I have already purchased one s/h engine from ebay which was supplied by a not very nice person which is cracked also! I do have the bits on it to sell though)
My engine has a plastic timing belt cover, vortec written on the top of the rocker covers, but does not say vortec on the top of the air intake box. I'm told that only an engine from a 1995 Astro vehicle will fit mine, which I cannot find. My question is, will an engine from a 1997 Astro fit mine? Did the mountings, gearbox, ecu change? My dash is the old style and non-digital spedo etc.
The engine I have found is ... 768wt_1165
I have asked a specialist in USA and they say only a 1994/95 engine will fit a 1995 Astro... awwww
Does anyone know to a good second hand engine?
Or where to source parts to repair at a decent cost?
Be so nice to get her on the road!
have fun