My brother in law is doing well. The final diagnosis is that he has CLL, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukimea. Believe it or not, this is really good news.Well, much better than we orignally were told. He figures he is on the 9-12 yr plan as he says. So we're going for it. We ride dual sport motorcycles with another buddy usually once a week all winter long in the mud and the rain. Then we go to the local micro brewery afterwards...too dry off and warm up of course.

So I spend a certain amount of time on ADVrider, organizing rides etc.
He wants to go watch the Baja 1000 this fall, so we are planning on taking the AstroLander with a dual mount bike carrier on the rear for the motorcycles, with another couple guys in other rigs. We plan on camping at the beach, watch the race, then ride loops on the bikes, then move to a different camp and ride more loops, working our way down to Loretto where another buddy owns a house so we can hook up with a bunch of them and ride down there. Yee haw.
Point is, I guess, that I'm using the van more for a shuttle vehicle ike my original plan. Instead of wheeling the van, I'm shuttling my GasGas around on it, shuttle my mountain bikes around, etc. It's so awesome to change out of the wet muddy gear inside the van instead of out in the cold rain like most the other guys.
We're wiring house batteries (with an isolator of course) for an Edgestar fridge and micro wave with cabinet behind the driver's seat. Nothing too fancy, I don't want to lose any more space than I have to.
Last fall, work slowed to a trickle, and I got offerred a great deal from a competitor so I took it. I lost my company F-150 in the deal, but jumped into the owner's Ram 1500 with a Hemi. Been driving that for the last six months; its fast. Was going to change my sig line, but been too busy. The owner is going to need his truck back next month for motocross season (he races vintage motocross) so I've been half arsed looking for what my $400/mo truck allowance will get me. Decisions decisions. So far this is the leader, but they won't come down to $13k, only $14,500 and I'm cheap so...we'll see if they still have it when I get back from Mexico. http://www.rallyeauto.com/images/Truck/14971.jpg
Gotta get some paper work done tonite as we're heading off to celebrate our one year anniversary tomorrow morning. Going to Sayulita Mexico again. We rarely go back to the same place twice (so many places, so little time) but we really like it down there, and it's very accessible as it's only 45 minutes from Puerto Vallarta.
I do surf ASV often, I just don't do as many van trips or mods, so I haven't had as much to post. I've noticed that I haven't seen WV Kayaker around...have I just not seen him or what?

You know it's true love when a man makes space in his rec room for his wife's car. Jen's (J.Low) Murano fits in just perfectly...and she's yet to hit the foosball table.

We Three, or The Three Amigos, My bro in law J on the Husaberg with his back to the camera; KJ on the KTM, and me showing my best side (behind the camera) with the GasGas, all European bikes. Usually they just call us The T.Low Crew.
Yes, thats my first dent below the rear window toward the passenger side. Turning around on a really tight trail, my spotter backed me into some trees.

Cheers my brothers, and thanks for asking, Zammer. Oh, and officially, Welcome Back, Gary.