I never seem to manage higher than mid-14s on a freeway blast and I average mid-low 13s on my daily driving which is a good mix of freeway, fast multilane surface streets, and a couple of hills.12mpg on the worst tank of gas (70-75mph) and 15mpg on the best (60mph)
I know in general the AWD will give me a penalty, but again comparing to the Tiger, this blows. This is on an all-stock (so far as I know), unloaded van ferrying one toddler and (sometimes) one other adult.
Critical items:
3.42 Gears. Stock size tires. AWD. Basically unloaded. Roof racks removed (but no effect noticed). MPG measured by dividing trip odometer reading by fuel pumped (tank filled at every stop).
Possible factors:
1) This is SoCal, so speeds on freeway are 65+, most multilane stuff is 40-50mph. Acceleration from lights, etc. is not done VERY hard (never WOT), but I can't lollygag either lest I be run over or be a hazard. Same goes for the high freeway speeds.
2) I do seem to have a slow leak in one tire, so I suppose under-inflation COULD be an issue, but I'm pretty good about keeping tabs on it and its never down more than 4-5psi.
3) Even if I try to drive at 60mph on the freeways and/or accelerate more leisurely, it doesn't seem to affect the outcome more than a few tenths.
So I ordered a ScanGauge, it arrived today. I'll have it hooked up right away. What should I be looking for? I know driving slower and accelerating less will get me some improvement, but I feel like I'm being as careful as I can be, and would like to rule out mechanical factors.