140 amp alternator

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140 amp alternator

Post by rlsllc »

My 1999 5.7 engine came with a huge alternator on it that is what I think is a CS144, rated at 140 amps. The engine came out of a 3500 series school bus. Van is a 1999 Safari AWD.

Physically, it should fit in the van; the bracket even looks the same as the stock one. I know I will have to replace the main wire, it is either 6 or 4 gauge. The other connection is different also, but I have the plug to change out.

Here are my questions: Does anyone know if the PCM controls the alt and will upgrading it cause problems, and does the big wire have to run to the starter or can I run it to the distribution block?

Anyone else done something similar?

I sleep in my van
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Re: 140 amp alternator

Post by 6spd_monte »

I put that same alternator in my '87. I kept the stock skinny wire that runs down to the starter but I also ran a heavy battery cable straight from the charging post on the alternator to the positive battery terminal. Sorry I can't answer your question about the PCM control.

1987 LT
249,000 miles

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I sleep in my van
I sleep in my van
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Re: 140 amp alternator

Post by rlsllc »

I mounted and wired it today. No pics yet, but I did take a few. I ran a 6 gauge battery cable for the alt cable and cut off the battery terminal and soldered on a lug that fit the alt, but I did run it down to the starter. I looked at the distribution box and battery, it didn't look too happy over there so I just replaced the stock wire. Prolly a mistake, who knows.

Thanks for the reply!
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