So some of you have read my post in the "What did you do to/with your van today?" about how I had an "empty" gas tank and couldnt start up.
Well tonight I was 40kms away from home when she decided not to start again. So I banged on the fuel tank and the fuel pump energized. I had to do it several times to get the motor going. Less then 500m later she died, shut off, engine not running. I banged away and get her working.
Getting on the freeway was nerve racking and I stayed on the gas and brake. At a certain point the vehicle got no fuel and was burning off whatever was pumped in. How I know this is because I was going 100kph and it dropped to 80kph even with my foot pushing gently into the throttle. I down shifted to 2nd gear and she came alive.
Got home and thanked God I made it safe without it dying on the freeway and getting hit (witnessed 2 big accidents today).
So my questions:
- I have no engine service light / codes.
- I think Sparks, Wires, Cap and Rotor are good but I have not changed them in about 2-3 years?
- EGR should be clean ... the '97 have this purge thingy to keep it clean, I run 89+ octane, I running the motor in hi RPMs often (2nd gear) and use fuel injector cleaner.
- Fuel filter changed 2 weeks ago?
So in your opinion, is the fuel pump definitely going?

I figured if I am gonna spend time changing the pump I might as well do other stuff at the same time.
Oh yah - how do you re-energize the fuel pump? I noticed when I turn the key, it will only to do it once and that is it. Back in the old day I could use the throttle and force more fuel in.