I have a soft spot for the '57 Ford.

I prefer mine of the 4x4 persuasion, but it's still so sweet.

Doesn't have to be a Nomad to be cool!

This is the best adaption of a late-model bed I've ever seen. I actually had to look twice to figure it out. (Not to shabby under the hood either. Peter would be proud!)

Powered by a GM Quad-4. Nice!

I didn't recognize this little pint-sized vehicle. Looked like it may have been a kit or something. There was a picturebook with this and it had been restored from a rusted out hulk.

A couple of really 'dignified' hot rods.

Dump trucks can be cool! A polished stainless steel bed? Wow!

Yeah baby, a wagon!

Elky! How low can you go?...

I'd have snapped it because it is a Nomad. But a straight 6 is bitchin'!

Pinto powered!

A row of Rats! (First one is hemi-powered!)

Ryan likes the short ones!

YEAH BABY! This one is SO MUCH nicer than mine. Has custom A/C too... something mine will get in time.

This one seemed to have all the right off-road parts, but is too clean to take into the dirt. I don't dig the black wheels either.

It's a wagon, of course I snapped a picture of it!

Doesn't that stuffed dog next to the kid look real?!

Different. Fiero drivetrain?

Even Ramblers can be cool.

After the two Broncos, if I could just take one vehicle away from this show, this is it.

As I approached from the front, I was saying WTF? Turns out it is sitting on a Toyota chassis. The rear wheels need to slide back a touch, but still pretty neat.

My favorite wagon of the show.

It was starting to rain as I snapped this pic. This guy had a pretty nice set-up!

Old Skool tires!

Some potential projects...
Needs a 4x4 conversion!

This looks like it could be cool... Kind of a cross between Mad Max and a pre-runner style maybe?

In the swap meet area. Old motorcycle conversion kit car. Would be a fun project too....

A lot of really nice models in the contest.