Sending items via Canada Post

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Sending items via Canada Post

Post by MountainManJoe »

:canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk: :canuk:

This is an email I received from a Justice Ministry worker in Toronto, and I thought I'd share it with my fellow Canadians who may be sending parts to members (or even just Christmas gifts).
Canada Post, " I learned something over Christmas that I feel compelled to share with you. This won't change your life dramatically or help you survive the apocalypse but it will save some $.

I recently mailed two identical packages via Canada Post one week apart. One would think that the postage should be exactly the same.

Pkg # 1 was mailed from a Canada Post Office. Postage came to $11.74. Since I knew the second package would be mailed in about a week's time, I bought sufficient postage for the second pkg while I was there.

When it came time to mail Pkg #2, I went to the post office in Shopper's Drug Mart. I handed the pkg to the clerk to be put in the outbound mail bag, I was informed that I did not have sufficient postage attached. The clerk proceeded to inform me that I needed to purchase an additional $6 worth of stamps. After explaining how I knew exactly what the postage should be, the clerk offered some lame excuse that Canada Post is unionized and they can say and do anything with impunity and if I wished to mail that pkg. from Shopper's then I needed to purchase more stamps.

I told the clerk to stuff it and took back my package and headed to the Canada Post Office, where I would raise hell... Much to my surprise, the Canadian Postal Clerk took my package, weighed it and tossed it in the mail bag, and it was on it's way...When I asked if the amount of Postage on the parcel was right she shook her head and said "yup, no problem"...

The Truth comes out:
Canada Post Offices charge postage for packages at the published Canada Post rates. Franchise locations such as Shoppers Drug Mart can charge whatever they like. So remember if you regularly mail packages at franchise locations (Shoppers Drug Mart,) you are probably paying too much. Franchise locations are found in shopping malls, drug stores and private businesses everywhere. From now on, all of my mailing will be done from a Canada Post location. Still perplexed by what I was told by the girl in Shoppers, I fired off an email to Canada Post for clarification.

This is the reply I got from them:

Thank you for your message to Canada Post.
A postal outlet is not a federal government agency and is not owned or managed by Canada Post. For example if the postal outlet is within grocery store or pharmacy it would follow the stores working hours, therefore if the store must be closed, so will the postal outlet inside. Only Canada Post Depots and Corporate Post Offices are obligated to follow the price of stamps and postal products that are legislated by Canada Post. Any commercial and private establishment may charge extra fees as a convenience to their customers. It is at their discretion to apply additional service fees to products that they sell. We suggest visiting a Corporate Post Office in order to avoid paying additional service charges that corner stores or other establishment may implement on their products.

Regards, Veronika Strofski Customer Service "

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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by lockdoc »

Sounds like UPS here in the states. Our shop is a pick up point so we can ship for others and charge whatever we like if we chose to do so. I would guess it is the same in Canada.
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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by Cobra »

lol i just paid 19 bucks to ship some ram to CA wish i learned this yesterday
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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by astrozam »

Another example of another Crown Corporation, gone down the shitter!

Thanks for the heads up, I'll pass it along to my fellow Canucks. :cheers:
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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by MountainManJoe »

astrozam wrote:Another example of another Crown Corporation, gone down the shitter!
How do you mean? This article simply suggests going straight to the source, rather than through a middle-man. It's not Canada Post's fault. Blame Shopper's Drug Mart, who coincidentally also marks up generic prescription drugs up to 3000% !

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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by astrozam »

timelessbeing wrote:
astrozam wrote:Another example of another Crown Corporation, gone down the shitter!
How do you mean? This article simply suggests going straight to the source, rather than through a middle-man. It's not Canada Post's fault. Blame Shopper's Drug Mart, who coincidentally also marks up generic prescription drugs up to 3000% !
Are you serious when you ask?

First off, there never used to be any post offices OTHER THAN Canada post. If you went to the post office you knew exactly who you were dealing with, no middle man. Canada Post went on the downsizing free for all, closed hundreds of postal outlets and basically franchised themselves out, this is what I mean by going down the shitter! It is Canada Post's fault first and foremost, this Shoppers Drug Mart store is just a result of the downsizing of this particular Crown Corporation.

Another example of a Crown Corporation mismanaged ( using OUR tax dollars ) and now only a shadow of its former self.

p.s I'm not sure why you posted this in the For Sale Forum, so I'll move it to Off topic and leave a shadow post in For Sale.
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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by MountainManJoe »

I'm perfectly serious, and I wonder why you're so shocked.

I don't like privatization either, but look around you because it's happening everywhere. I don't think it has anything to with mismanagement. This is simply the government leaving everything up to the free market economy, which has been going on since Thatcher.

At least we still have the OPTION to go to a CP office. I'm just glad I'm not in the US, where we would be called "communists".

I put this in the "for sale" section to help out folks who were sending parts, but off-topic is fine too.

Wishing everyone happy holidays.
- TlessB

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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by lockdoc »

timelessbeing wrote: I'm just glad I'm not in the US, where we would be called "communists".
- TlessB
Frankly, I'm glad you are not here either. But WTF is that statement supposed to mean? You need to watch what you write.
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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by MountainManJoe »

That statement means the US is strongly anti-socialist. Problem? I'll write what I like thank you.

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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by astrozam »

timelessbeing wrote:I'm perfectly serious, and I wonder why you're so shocked.

I don't like privatization either, but look around you because it's happening everywhere. I don't think it has anything to with mismanagement. This is simply the government leaving everything up to the free market economy, which has been going on since Thatcher.

At least we still have the OPTION to go to a CP office. I'm just glad I'm not in the US, where we would be called "communists".

I put this in the "for sale" section to help out folks who were sending parts, but off-topic is fine too.

Wishing everyone happy holidays.
- TlessB
My reaction is hardly shock,lol...however I find it a little hard to believe that you did not understand my initial reply, its pretty easy to understand where the initial problem originates.

I agree that this particular SDM does seem to want to rip off, and I am not saying that they are not at fault for doing so, what I said was that this is as a result of a Crown Corporation being mismanaged, there was never an intent to argue about it.
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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by MountainManJoe »

astrozam wrote:you did not understand my initial reply
Your reply was that Canada's government-run institutions are deteriorating. I agree, and attribute it to the general capitalist attitude that the 1st world is taking. Luckily we're a bit behind in that respect, which is why we weren't hit as hard as :usa: .

The highest profits can be found in the finance sector. There seems to be this universal faith in the market economy and that somehow it will solve everything without guidance. Hah! That's why we are all getting screwed right now, and bankers are laughing.

Did I get it right?

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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by lockdoc »

Again, I ask what does the privatization of the Canadian post and the capitalism demonstrated by private companies have to do with you accusing me (US) of calling you a communist? That's like me saying "Thank God I'm not in Canada, I'd have to speak french and join the PQ." It's just not true. For being so strongly anti-socialist we sure do have a hell of a welfare system. You aren't much different than us.

Problem? Yes. You don't shit where you sleep. It's just dumb. But if you must discuss your political arguments, put them in the proper section. And that is not just directed at you Timeless.
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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by MountainManJoe »

You are right that in reality we are not that different. However, I don't think it's any secret that the US is the probably the most capitalistic country on the planet. I didn't mean that as a jab either. I have my opinions, but by no means am I qualified to make any kind of judgement. What stands out in my mind, is the hundreds of tea partiers protesting universal health care in your country calling it socialism, and comparing Obama to Hitler. But perhaps I'm projecting, and it's only a small minority, however that simply would never happen in Canada.

But that's all irrelevant. WTF do you mean by shit where I sleep? First of all, this was never intended to be a political topic. Astrozam made it political, and then it was moved to off-topic. Second, are you telling me I can't express my opinion? What is this some kind of cult? You guys are taking yourself WAY too seriously. Sheesh.

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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by astrozam »

timelessbeing wrote:this was never intended to be a political topic. Astrozam made it political
Mom ......Dad!!!! Astrozam made us talk about U.S/Canada politics/relations...

I don't think so, go back and re-read everything, and then you'll see that in my original reply I simply made a statement ( which YOU felt you needed to have explained ) which I did! Not sure why you couldn't have just been content with the thanks I gave you for passing along the initial info :-k

If you and Lockdoc wanna discuss US/Canada relations/politics be my guest, but don't be blaming me for turning this thread political....blame yourselves!
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Re: Sending items via Canada Post

Post by Rileysowner »

According to this is a myth, but a friend on another board had the exact same thing happen because I shared this on that board, he took the item he was going to ship which he had weighed already at Shopper's to a Canada Post office. They weighted it. The verdict:

Shoppers said $33 to ship it.
Canada Post said $25 to ship it.
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